Does the OT Teach the Doctrine of Trinity?

The doctrine of the Trinity is summarized by seven basic propositions: 1. The Father is God. (Phil. 1:2, Eph. 4:6) 2. The Son is God. (Col. 2:9, Phil. 1:2) 3. The Holy Spirit is God. (2 Cor. 3:17, Acts 5:3-4) 4. The Father is not the Son. (John 10:30, Phil. 2:9) 5. The Son is […]

Why Using the Hashtag #notmypresident Is Unbiblical

About a month ago CNN reported that across the country there have been several “Not My President” rallies, protesting the Presidency of Donald Trump. Probably most people have seen the hashtag #notmypresident running around. Interestingly, the article says, “In addition, merchants sold T-shirts reading ‘Not My President’ above smaller text reading ‘Elected but not chosen.’” […]

Hinduism Teaches that Hinduism is False

When it comes to presuppositional apologetics, many seem to think that it’s only effective for various forms of atheism. As I’ve demonstrated in my articles about the Koran and the Book of Mormon, this is simply false. The worldview of the Old and New Testaments provide the preconditions that make reasoning of any kind intelligible. […]

CrossPolitic and Voddie Baucham

Instead of the usual blog post I’m simply going to give the readers and listeners of our blog and podcast a rundown of some happening events in the area. Voddie Baucham is visiting Moscow, ID at the end of this week. Collegiate Reformed Fellowship is hosting Voddie on the University of Idaho campus. The title […]