Why It’s Good to Dance at the Defeat of God’s Enemies

Guest Post By Seth Bloomsburg The overturning of Roe vs. Wade by the Dobbs vs. Jackson ruling is incredibly historic. I simply do not have the words to describe how monumental this ruling was. Virtually everyone alive today has lived the majority of their lives in the shadow of the evil of Supreme Court approved […]
A Ladder, a Bible, and a Preacher: Fighting to End Abortion in South Carolina

By Rhett Burns I went to minister at our local abortion clinic for the first time like a safe and respectable Christian: I showed up to pray outside the entrance as part of the 40 Days for Life campaign last fall. One of the ladies serving at the gate kindly explained their ministry. They prayed, […]
Why Rape and Incest are Not Moral Reasons for an Abortion

By Jesse Sumpter Last week the state of Alabama passed a law making it a felony offense to perform an abortion and this law does not allow any exceptions for rape and incest. Alabama did the right thing here. I wrote last week that this law is an opportunity for Pro-lifers to stand up and […]
The Alabama Opportunity

By Jesse Sumpter The abortion conversation has changed. It has changed in a decisive way. And the defenders of life must press the advantage. On Wednesday of this week, the state of Alabama passed a law making it a felony offense to perform an abortion. This is a strategic milestone in overturning the tyranny of […]
The Moment Death Begins

By Matt Williams Most of my listeners have heard that my wife and I have just gone through a miscarriage. It is painful, surreal, sobering, and most of all hopeful. That last descriptor may come as a shock to those who don’t know Christ. For those who do, we know our hope is in Him, […]
Dred Scott, Abortion, and American Legal History

By Jesse Sumpter Today is the anniversary of the infamous Supreme Court case, Dred Scott v. Sanford, which was decided on March 6, 1857, ruling that a black man had no rights under the US Constitution. The majority ruling in this decision was overwhelming: 7-2. Chief Justice Roger B. Taney who wrote the majority ruling […]
Reformational Abolition or Cautions for the Abolitionists

By Toby Sumpter I have a great deal of respect for the men and women on the front lines of the abortion ministry. My respect goes back to one of my earliest memories: when I was a little kid, I remember my pastor announcing to our church that he was flying to Atlanta to participate […]
New York, Be Not Proud

New York, Be Not Proud by Jesse Sumpter “The #ReproductiveHealthAct is now law in New York State. We lit the spire pink to celebrate.” –Gov. Cuomo, Jan 22, 2019 New York, be not proud, though some have called you Mighty and dreadful, for you are thwarted: For those whom you tried to have aborted Die […]
Over 8.2 Million Severed

Over 8.2 Million Severed by Justin Hatcher
Hitler’s Dream: Roe v. Wade

Cartoon by Justin Hatcher
Women’s March

Cartoon by Justin Hatcher
What Happens if Roe Vs. Wade is Overturned?

Here is my concern about the overturning of Roe vs. Wade: what happens when the law comes? Sin revives and we die. To undo Roe is to choose the death of America. That makes sense if you believe in resurrection. But we can only pray for the end of Roe if we trust that God raises the dead.
Black History Month’s Startling Omission

I love basketball. In particular, I love the NBA. I watch a game multiple times a week. And every February they do a passably good job of celebrating Black History Month. I do not have a problem with black history month itself, but I have begun to wonder about one striking omission. Never any mentions […]
No Exceptions: Pro-Life Mom Refuses Chemo to Save Unborn Baby

Carrie DeKlyen, a Michigan mother of five, started getting headaches last March. After the pains worsened she saw a doctor, and scans showed a brain tumor. According to the Chicago Tribune, the pathology report revealed something more cruel: glioblastoma, a rare and aggressive brain cancer. She would have the tumor removed in April, but the […]
Most People Don’t Look

Most of the people who walked by us looked indifferent; they probably didn’t even notice our signs. But of those who actually looked at us, most of them smiled or gave thumbs up. Many stopped by and said thank you for volunteering. One woman stopped by to talk about the hypocrisy of our culture. (Recently […]
Medical Abortions and the Contradictions of the Pro-Choice Crowd

Abortion pill reversal has been a point of serious contention lately, with some states even mandating that abortion providers inform their patients that the effects of the abortion pill on the baby may be reversible. And yet this is an issue that many pro-life people know little about. For example, few pro-life people realize that […]
Courage & Blood Money: A Proposal toward the Abolition of Abortion

“The sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light” (Lk. 16:8). Modern conservative Christians are cowards. We are cowards by many different measurements, but one will suffice. We have almost entirely lost a culture war in which we had the greater numbers, greater resources, […]
You Got Pregnant. You’re Keeping Your Baby. Now, the Media is Exploiting You.

But this isn’t just about Maddi Runkles anymore. When a controversy between Christians makes The Washington Post and The New York Times, you know that a power play is going on. Secular media aren’t interested in the plights of pregnant girls who choose abortion–it’s not news. It’s news when a girl courageously and publicly chooses life. But the real reason we’re seeing this in the news? It’s meant to make you think the Pro-Life movement is inconsistent with the Christian belief in chastity, and that this invalidates both beliefs.
The Worth of Guilt: Questions from Taurus Carroll and Bernard Nathanson

What is required for someone to be guilty? This has been brought to the forefront of our minds by the case of Carroll v. Alabama. A robbery-turned-murder, the case of Taurus Carroll has come to the forefront in recent weeks. Falling into the gray areas between differing state laws and provoking Supreme Court intervention, the […]
Why I Celebrated International Women’s Day on April 16th

This year’s celebration of International Woman’s Day was innovative. On the eighth of last month, women around the world pulled a laid-back version of self-immolation: A Day without a Woman. From strikes in Australia, marches in India, and free museum tickets in Italy (definitely my favorite), to attempts to repeal protections for the unborn in […]