Six Reasons Millennials Leave the Church

Part two in the series “A Church for the Next Generation” In my last post, I took a quick look at church attendance among young people and concluded that the fear-mongering about young people leaving the church was wrong and misplaced. For example, I showed that the demographic rise of “nones,” or religiously unaffiliated people, […]

The Big “E” on the Eye Chart

Resisting Evolutionary Theory is becoming more and more unpopular in evangelical circles.  It isn’t considered respectable, or in any way intelligent, to maintain Creationism at all costs.  Fighting the culture wars has been exhausting, and why shouldn’t we put our efforts into the new issues, like transgender bathrooms, and give the evolution fight up as […]

Made in Our Own Image

A profound shift in scientific philosophy has occurred in the last 100 years.  Significant scientific breakthroughs are manipulated into a grasp for control.  The theory of evolution fundamentally changed the character of the Christian pursuit of science, casting humans as the masters of creation and making nature into our image.  We have decided that if there […]