How Do Millennials Thrive in the Church?
A Church for the Next Generation, Part Three In the past two posts, we’ve looked at whether young people are going to church less, and why some young people leave the church. Now I want to answer another why question: if the church is as stuffy and old-fashioned as we’re always hearing, why do so […]
Six Reasons Millennials Leave the Church
Part two in the series “A Church for the Next Generation” In my last post, I took a quick look at church attendance among young people and concluded that the fear-mongering about young people leaving the church was wrong and misplaced. For example, I showed that the demographic rise of “nones,” or religiously unaffiliated people, […]
Amazon and the Church of Secularism
As Millennials reject organized religion and leave the church to never return, many bluster about the implications of such trends. Some secularists take this as a signal of their victory over religion; while many Christians wring their hands and furrow their brows as to what we can do differently to attract millennials. Christians have largely responded to this crisis […]