Cake Bakers, Crossfit, and The French Revolution

I was recently sitting in on a lecture from a local university professor on the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution. Whitworth University’s Dr. Van Inwegen explained that there are stories from history, “that help us understand the world we are in.” One of his stories did just that. During the French Revolution, after […]
The Sweet and Shrewd Courage of a High School Graduation Speech

Graduating senior Moriah Bridges was chosen by her class president to provide the closing exercise at Beaver High School’s June 2nd graduation ceremony in Beaver, Pennsylvania. Bridges, a Christian, included a prayer in her remarks, but the Beaver School District forced her to edit her speech due to religious language such as “Heavenly Father” and […]
Bernie Sanders and the Battle of the Gods

Last week Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders transformed a rather mundane confirmation hearing for the deputy director for the Office of Management and Budget into high political theater, pronouncing the nominee unfit for office due to his religious beliefs. Sanders highlighted a couple of sentences from an article Vought published last year at The Resurgent, in […]
BGEA hosts World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians

This week in Washington, D.C. the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is hosting its World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians. Believers from over 130 countries gathered for the summit, with many of them sharing their personal stories of persecution. Franklin Graham opened the summit yesterday with an address that put the spotlight on what he […]
Cutting the Legs Out from Under Religious Liberty

Recent attacks on Christian florists, bakers, and pizza-pie makers opened the Church’s eyes to the threat against our religious liberties. By refusing to rise and applaud today’s favored sexual perversions, Christians risk heavy fines and business foreclosures. In response, many Christians have mounted an admirable defense of religious freedom, asserting that Christians must not be […]
Liberty to Mutilate?

Earlier this month United States attorneys charged a Detroit doctor with female genital mutilation (FGM), the first prosecution of this crime since the U.S. outlawed the practice in 1996. Authorities accused Jumana Nagarwala, an emergency room doctor, of performing the procedure on 7-year-old girls whose parents transported them from Minnesota to Michigan for the controversial operation. […]