Cake Bakers, Crossfit, and The French Revolution

I was recently sitting in on a lecture from a local university professor on the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution. Whitworth University’s Dr. Van Inwegen explained that there are stories from history, “that help us understand the world we are in.” One of his stories did just that. During the French Revolution, after […]
Counterfeit Christianity in the Wake of London Terror Attacks

The problem for secularists is they cannot shake off the image of God. Because we live in God’s world as His image-bearers we will tend toward certain impulses: justice, joy, love, mercy, evangelism, and prayer. But dislodged from Christ these impulses jump the rails and crash. Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the root and the fruit, the source and the goal of all things. Once we remove Him we are left with justice that isn’t just, mercy that invites murder, and prayers to the no-gods in the great emotive sky. But in Christ justice and mercy kiss, we join the angels in heavenly song, and our prayers rise like incense to the throne of Almighty God.