Why It’s Good to Dance at the Defeat of God’s Enemies

Guest Post By Seth Bloomsburg The overturning of Roe vs. Wade by the Dobbs vs. Jackson ruling is incredibly historic. I simply do not have the words to describe how monumental this ruling was. Virtually everyone alive today has lived the majority of their lives in the shadow of the evil of Supreme Court approved […]
NEW FLF Course for Screen writers by Jason Farley

Christian Screenplays shouldn’t suck Starts January 11 Meets Tues & Thurs, 5pm Pacific time Register Today! Christian Screenplays shouldn’t suck. Unfortunately, they have gained just such a reputation. The world has been in a story telling contest since the Dragon’s first “Hath God said…” our survival as a people depends on our storytellers being able […]
NEW FLF Course by CR Wiley on Tom Bombadil

In the House of Tom Bombadil Starts January 12 Every Wednesday 5pm-7pm Pacific time, for 7 weeks Register today! Who is the mysterious and apparently ridiculous Tom Bombadil? How did he manage to get into The Lord of the Rings? There’s been a lot of speculation, but most of it isn’t very convincing. Some critics […]
Rittenhouse, the Right, and Our Evangelistic Opportunity

By Rhett Burns I now rise to offer three cheers and a toast to King Kyle of Kenosha. May you live free and full of years, and may your tribe of bold men, full of courage and action, increase! May your slanderers pay through the nose and your accusers become a stench to their own […]
The End of “BIG”: Decentralization, Opportunity, and the Denominational Future

By Rhett Burns Back in June, I attended my first ever Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. This means that, despite being a lifelong Southern Baptist, Chocolate Knox, a Presbyterian, has taken part—and voted?—in more SBC annual meetings than I have. I’m unsure if this makes him a worse Presbyterian or me a worse […]
Reviewing Shai Linne’s The New Reformation

By Levi Secord Recently, I’ve seen many positive comments about Shai Linne’s new book, The New Reformation: Finding Hope in the Fight for Ethnic Unity. Some portrayed it as a third way between the extremes of the woke and the anti-woke crowds. Naturally, such comments caught my attention, and I ordered a copy. As a […]
Being Tossed To and Fro By Critical Race Theory

By Levi Secord Preface In October, a group of concerned pastors and I met with our denomination’s leadership, the North American Baptist Conference (NAB). We brought our concerns about how the leadership, and its new Racial Righteousness ministry, were promoting the tenets of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and leading one-sided discussions rooted in unbiblical thinking. […]
In Every Domain of Human Existence: An Institution-Building Church

By Rhett Burns The book of Proverbs often perplexes modern readers of the Bible with its earthiness. What’s with all the talk of work and women and words? What does that have to do with the Great Commission and the kingdom of God? It turns out a lot. In his book Solomon Says, Mark Horne […]
Book Review: Strong and Courageous

By Rhett Burns Strong and Courageous: Following Jesus Amid the Rise of America’s New Religion by Tom Ascol and Jared Longshore (Founders Press, January 15, 2021) The United States of America is witnessing the ascent of a new religion, characterized by the twin goddesses of individual autonomy and universal equality, and fueled by the spirit […]
What Skills Make a Man Valuable?

By Jesse Sumpter Discussions about the nature of men and women often focus on identity and being. You will hear people ask kids: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” But in discussing the god-given nature of men and women it would be more helpful to discuss skills. What skills would make […]
The Grinch and His Heart Problem

By Jesse Sumpter Hollywood does not understand the Grinch’s heart problem. The famous song has it correct: Mr. Grinch’s heart is an empty hole. But the last two movies about the Grinch have redefined his problem, placing the problem somewhere else. In this way, both movies fundamentally gut the story of its magic. In the […]
Author Interview: It’s GOOD to be a Girl!

CrossPolitic: Thanks for doing this interview, Joseph. It is great to see your newest book is out: It’s GOOD to be a Girl! Joseph Spurgeon: Thanks for interviewing me. CP: Why did you write this book? Spurgeon: All throughout church history, the church has had various controversies thrust upon it from within by false teachers […]
Fire in the Chest: The Imminent Sexual Reckoning

By Rhett Burns Your house is on fire, but you don’t realize it yet. It’s an electrical fire, tearing through the walls, ready to engulf everything you have. You’re scrolling through Netflix, unaware of the havoc to come in fifteen minutes. This is the situation of evangelical churches in America. Decades of downgrade in the […]
The America to Come

By Rhett Burns Is it accurate to say that American society has been careening toward a cliff for some time now, and the events of 2020—coronavirus, presidential election, and the social justice riots—have sped it along to the edge? That’s the question I posed to a historian, a futurist, and a pastor at the recent […]
Forgiveness Conquers a Dystopian World: Review of Ride, Sally, Ride

By Jesse Sumpter This book is the story for 2020. The plot is about as bizarre as 2020. And after so much craziness in 2020, even the bizarre plot of this novel doesn’t seem that implausible. I won’t spoil the story in this review so I encourage you to get your hands on it as […]
Donald Trump, Fat Tony, and Elite Evangelical Discourse

By Rhett Burns Donald Trump is an exclamation point, a bolded font, an underscore, an orange highlighter, drawing attention to the fecklessness of conservative leaders. This man—serial adulterer, womanizer, uncouth, proud, foul-mouthed, and greedy—is the man ending wars, speaking at the March for Life, de-regulating businesses, and standing up to the Left. Is there anything […]
The Courage to Stand

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.22″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.25″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding=”|||” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.27.4″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”]By Rhett Burns Standing Tall In early June, many lauded Peter Hitchens as a portrait of courage after being photographed as the only man standing in a kneeling crowd of protesters demanding the removal of the statue of Cecil Rhodes from […]

By Rhett Burns This year has been a doozy. Australia caught fire for weeks. United States forces killed Iran’s top general, Qasem Soleimani, stoking tensions with the Islamic regime. A global pandemic hit, causing both a health and economic crisis as the world shut down for several months. Experts and politicians paused that pandemic to […]
Insider Movement: Evangelicals and America’s New Civic Religion

The Insider Movement in Missions In Christian missions an Insider Movement refers to a group of followers of Jesus who remain socially, culturally, and, to some extent, religiously embedded within a non-Christian religion. For example, in the Insider Movement paradigm a Muslim who comes to faith in Jesus may remain within the Islamic community. He […]
Houses of Healing, Houses of Hope

Guest Article By Gregory Soderberg In the midst of the global COVID-19 crisis, there are many features of our modern life that we take for granted. Toilet paper, meat, hand sanitizer … and hospitals. Although adequate medical care is still tragically absent in many countries throughout the world, a huge percentage of the world’s population […]