The Grinch and His Heart Problem

By Jesse Sumpter Hollywood does not understand the Grinch’s heart problem. The famous song has it correct: Mr. Grinch’s heart is an empty hole. But the last two movies about the Grinch have redefined his problem, placing the problem somewhere else. In this way, both movies fundamentally gut the story of its magic. In the […]
Unredeemed Glory: Michael Jordan and The Last Dance

During Michael Jordan’s last season with the Chicago Bulls, he and coach Phil Jackson granted unprecedented behind-the-scenes access to an NBA Entertainment film crew. Cameras followed the most iconic sports team of the 1990s and the biggest superstar in the world for almost every waking moment—from the practice court to the post-game locker room to […]
World Baptized: the Riot and the Dance

By Jesse Sumpter I find the deep ocean to be rather intimidating. It is enormous. It is dark. You don’t know what is below the watery surface. Strange large monsters could be lurking below in the darkness and there is no way to know. I think there is something about the mysterious vastness of the […]
Black Panther and the Savior of the Nations

By Jesse Sumpter Black Panther engages with some important philosophical questions—some of the best since The Dark Knight trilogy. But the movie fails to give anything close to an interesting answer. The ending scene in Oakland fails to offer anything substantial because it fails to grapple with the true nature of humanity: why are people […]
Chef: A Review

Every once in a while you hit a movie that is just plain beautiful. I mean, real life beautiful. The story is wonderful, the characters and acting are wonderful, and it moves you to want to do what you were made to do. Chef (written, produced, directed by, and starring Jon Favreau) is the story […]
Dance with Us – Dance and the Christian Life

Team Farley has a number of Family Rules that are beyond discussion. Rule #1: When Billy Idol comes on the radio no one may leave the car until the song is over. You must respect the Idol. It is our most sacred Family Rule. Rule #2: “Hello,” by Adele, requires that all windows be opened […]
The Tree of Life

Well, it’s summer. It’s time for the beach towels, sunblock, the nearest pool, and, yes, good movies. Who doesn’t love a late night movie with some great friends? Good movies, though, are harder to find than the nearest swimming hole. What do I mean by a good movie? A good movie is one whose […]
Is Our Galaxy Worth Guarding? (A Sort-Of-Not-Really Movie Review)

It is true that nobody makes a new earth without first making a new heaven. – G. K. Chesterton (Ffinch 1986, 278) I have recently been wondering, if I were to travel to Krypton, would the sun give me superpowers? Or would Krypton’s sun, being red and therefore older and cooler, deplete my powers? The way chunks of Krypton […]