NEW FLF Course for Screen writers by Jason Farley

Christian Screenplays shouldn’t suck Starts January 11 Meets Tues & Thurs, 5pm Pacific time Register Today! Christian Screenplays shouldn’t suck. Unfortunately, they have gained just such a reputation. The world has been in a story telling contest since the Dragon’s first “Hath God said…” our survival as a people depends on our storytellers being able […]


Guest Article By Dr. Chad Savage Your house should be your most expensive purchase, so the saying goes. Not these days. Today, health insurance premiums can make your mortgage payment look puny by comparison. Your home or your vacation or your children’s future should be where your money goes—not to a plastic insurance card in […]

Being Tossed To and Fro By Critical Race Theory

By Levi Secord Preface In October, a group of concerned pastors and I met with our denomination’s leadership, the North American Baptist Conference (NAB). We brought our concerns about how the leadership, and its new Racial Righteousness ministry, were promoting the tenets of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and leading one-sided discussions rooted in unbiblical thinking. […]

Telling the Whirlwind Where to Blow

By Rhett Burns Well, by my calculations today is March 375th.  Are you enjoying your “15 days to flatten the curve” yet? Personally, I would like to cancel my free trial of communism, reinstall the Christian republic operating system, and return to the land of liberty.  In the meantime, let’s evaluate the overarching response to […]

The New Health Care: 5 Ways Samaritan Ministries Transforms Health Care

Guest Article By Anthony Hopp As more Americans learn about health care sharing, Samaritan Ministries International remains one of the leading health care sharing ministries in America. Several distinctives have guided the ministry in following its mission for 25 years. About the same time Samaritan Ministries was starting 25 years ago, Arby’s ran an ad […]

What Skills Make a Man Valuable?

By Jesse Sumpter Discussions about the nature of men and women often focus on identity and being. You will hear people ask kids: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” But in discussing the god-given nature of men and women it would be more helpful to discuss skills. What skills would make […]

Author Interview: It’s GOOD to be a Girl!

CrossPolitic: Thanks for doing this interview, Joseph. It is great to see your newest book is out: It’s GOOD to be a Girl! Joseph Spurgeon: Thanks for interviewing me. CP: Why did you write this book? Spurgeon: All throughout church history, the church has had various controversies thrust upon it from within by false teachers […]

Cynical Theories: A Christian Review

By Levi Secord In Cynical Theories, Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay issue a stinging rebuke of critical theory, and its various twisted children, by exposing its reliance on postmodernism. This book is aptly named, as these theories are cynical in the worst ways. These theories spread like the most malignant cancer—leaving desolation wherever they go. […]

Author Interview: It’s Good to be a Boy!

CrossPolitic: Thank you for doing this interview, Joseph. Your book It’s Good to be a Boy! recently came out. Why did you write this book? Joseph Spurgeon: Almost five years ago, my first son was born. My wife and I had been blessed with two daughters before that.  I wanted to come up with a […]

Jim, I’m a Pastor not a Doctor: Feminism, Aimee Byrd, and Mark Jones

By Joseph Spurgeon Titus 2:15 These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee. Feminism ruins everything. Everywhere that it raises its rebellious head, harm is soon to follow. Whether it was the willful deception of Eve overturning the created order in her rebellion or her daughters trying to […]

How Toxic Social Media Affects Young Adults

By Emma Perley Social media affects everyone, either directly, like through your smartphone or computer, or indirectly, like how live news affects a nation. In America, it is available to everybody. If you don’t have a smartphone, you probably own a computer or satellite TV. Worst case, you can walk over to the library and […]

Motherhood in the Mission of God

By Rhett Burns At the most recent annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention (my denomination), president J.D. Greear hosted a panel discussion entitled, Indispensable Partners: The Value of Women in God’s Mission. The discussion was standard narrow complementarian fare, neither very helpful nor harmful. It would have been unremarkable if not for one glaring […]

Losing Our Virtue: Relativism, Social Justice, & Intersectionality

By Levi Secord Meaninglessness. This is the legacy of relativism in society.  It pervades just about every area of life—especially morality. In Losing Our Virtue, David Wells observes, “The problem is that our talk is now empty.” He is referring to the meaninglessness of our conservations about right and wrong. We like to discuss morality, […]

Endurance: From Beginning to End

By George Grant The race really does go to the tortoise and not the hare.  It is perseverance that ultimately will win the prize, not knowledge, not talent, and not connections.  It is that undying tenacity that sets itself on the end, that finishes the race, that completes the task, and that fulfils the responsibility. […]

When the State Came for My Niece

Note from Managing Editor: Given the sensitive nature of this material, the author of this piece asked to remain anonymous. The author hopes this story will be helpful to many people. This past year my 15-year-old niece decided she was a boy. For the last two years, kids at school have bullied her, thrown rocks […]

Forward Toward the Philistines

Guest Post by Jared Longshore Secularism is all in a tizzy. She is hot and pouty. She’s fired up and making her demands. She’s defying the armies of the living God, and she’s soft as cotton… which is not a good combo. God’s people have struggled at times with going forward at God’s command. He […]

69 year old, Christians, and Pedophilia

By Jesse Sumpter You can’t make this stuff up. A 69 year old Dutch man, named Emile Ratelband, has decided he wants to identify as a 40 year old. He has even asked a court in his hometown to make it legal and change his birth certificate to say he was born on March 11, […]

Nouveau Pelagianism

In his Confessions, Augustine (354-430) describes mankind’s universal sinful bent as “concupiscence.” The Greek word epithumia (ἐπιθυμία) occurs 38 times in the New Testament. It describes the utter enfeebling of mankind’s freedom of will through the bondage of sin. It is the fallen nature’s inclination to wickedness, desire for immorality, and passion for iniquity, that […]

Education and Hope

Haarlem is a beautiful little Dutch town on the River Spaarne, fifteen minutes by train from Amsterdam. Founded sometime in the 10th century, in 1245 it was granted city status or stadsrechten and was made the capital of the province of North Holland. By the 14th century, it had become a mercantile hub as a […]

Just Preach It

When I was in seminary, the “Church Growth Movement” was just getting its sea legs.  So, of course, it was all the rage in the hallowed halls of academia—if not amongst the profs, most assuredly amongst their charges.  Filled with uninformed enthusiasm my peers tended to gobble up every fad and fancy that came down […]