What Christian Witness?

By Levi Secord One tired argument aimed at rowdy Baptists (and Presbyterians) is the need to protect our witness. As the reasoning goes, Christians should wear facemasks, not reopen before the community is ready, and submit to unlawful closures of churches all in the name of protecting our witness. I wonder if those making such […]
Ok Dude: Zuby’s Truth-Telling New Single

Rap succeeds best as a transgressive genre—hard men saying hard truths against the spirit of the age. Zuby’s new single Ok Dude hits the mark in just this way. But first, the backstory: In February, Twitter suspended Zuby’s account (@ZubyMusic) after he replied “Ok dude” to a male transgender activist who identifies as a woman. […]
Unredeemed Glory: Michael Jordan and The Last Dance

During Michael Jordan’s last season with the Chicago Bulls, he and coach Phil Jackson granted unprecedented behind-the-scenes access to an NBA Entertainment film crew. Cameras followed the most iconic sports team of the 1990s and the biggest superstar in the world for almost every waking moment—from the practice court to the post-game locker room to […]
The Wrath of the Educrats

By Rhett Burns The Educrats are angry. And it seems they are lashing out in fear, having been threatened by the terrible vision of ten-year-olds learning their math facts at the kitchen table. Harvard Magazine ran a hit piece by Erin O’Donnell in its most recent issue, insinuating that home schools are hotbeds of abuse […]
The Wickedness of Welfare: A Case Study on Caring for Widows

By Joel Webbon Honor widows who are truly widows. But if a widow has children or grandchildren, let them first learn to show godliness to their own household and to make some return to their parents, for this is pleasing in the sight of God. 1 Timothy 5:3-4 ESV INTRODUCTION It has been said that […]
World Baptized: the Riot and the Dance

By Jesse Sumpter I find the deep ocean to be rather intimidating. It is enormous. It is dark. You don’t know what is below the watery surface. Strange large monsters could be lurking below in the darkness and there is no way to know. I think there is something about the mysterious vastness of the […]
Prepare to Meet Your God: Repentance in the Time of Coronavirus

By Rhett Burns We live, like the old Chinese curse goes, in interesting times. A global pandemic and all its political and economic ramifications are wreaking havoc upon the world. The wise among us will ask: What is God doing through this pandemic? The very first thing we must recognize is that God is doing […]
THE MYTH OF NEUTRALITY: How Christians Should Read Coronavirus “News”

Guest Post by Joel Webbon I want to remind you friends, during this season, that although we should be diligent not to politicize everything, everything is still being politicized by just about everyone else. If we believe that political policies (including what kind of bans should be enforced during the coronavirus) flow downstream from morality, […]
Put Your Mercy on Display: A Prayer in a time of Pandemic

By Rhett Burns Our Father in Heaven, “[You are] our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea.” (Psalm 46:1-2) We find ourselves in a time of trouble and so it is a […]
Book Review: The Book that Made your World by Vishal Mangalwadi

By Jesse Sumpter Vishal Mangalwadi, a Christian from India, has written a number of books. One of his recent ones is The Book that Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization. In it, he recounts his experience growing up in India and how different the Indian culture is from the […]
On How We Speak of Sin

Guest Post by Aaron O’Kelley In a 2013 essay, Thabiti Anyabwile wrote regarding same-sex marriage, “Turns out that being civil about indecency actually hurts the traditional cause.” His point was that polite discourse about abominable behavior plays a role in normalizing such behavior. It is not difficult to see why that would be the case. Polite […]
Raise a Corporate Family

By Jesse Sumpter In December, I was part of a Local Summit. Actually, it was just a group of men having a casual conversation. But as we were talking I realized that it was basically a Local Summit. Each man worked in a different field: one was a weed scientist, another was a wood floor […]
Opting Out: Farage, Freedom, and Cheerful Defiance

By Rhett Burns At 11:00 p.m. local time January 31, Great Britain left the European Union. A few days prior, Nigel Farage, leader of the Brexit Party and member of the European Parliament, gave a short, but glorious farewell speech ahead of the parliament’s Brexit withdrawal agreement vote. I am not British and have no […]
Beyond the Five Solas

Guest Post By Douglas Wilson Introduction If we want to be faithful to our reformational heritage, we need to understand the ways in which it is necessary to go beyond it. We must also understand, down in our bones, the ways in which we must not go an inch beyond it. There is a way […]
Absolutely True: the Hospitality of Francis Schaeffer

By Jesse Sumpter The best way to summarize Francis Schaeffer’s ministry is one of hospitality. That might seem a strange way to describe a figure known for his intellectual work, but hospitality was the heart of his ministry. He practiced hospitality in various ways, but primarily at L’Abri, the home that he and his wife […]
When the Ring-Bearer Sails: The Tolkiens’ Story

By Ben Zornes What Was the Story About? Though great beings both good and evil––elves, men, dwarves, ents, Valar, Ainur, balrogs, dragons, orcs, and wargs––inhabit the mythology of Middle Earth, the most important character is Sam the Gardener. The whole epic tale––which Tolkien began as a bedtime story for his children––sweeps us up into matters […]
Man as Maker: Why Entrepreneurship Excites

Over at the How to Build a Tent podcast, Matt Williams is encouraging listeners to start businesses in 2020, and he plans to dedicate a good portion of his shows this year toward helping people succeed in their new ventures. The goal—to start a business that brings in $250 of revenue per month—is purposefully small, […]
Review 2019: Top 10 Blogazine Articles

Here are the ten most popular articles from the CrossPolitic Blogazine in 2019. These articles garnered a lot of attention this year and they highlight key aspects of the work at CrossPolitic. Enjoy the review of 2019! 10. The Future is Familial. This article traces the cultural trends toward being unmarried and how the family […]
Doug Wilson Books: Best Reading Order

By Jesse Sumpter Sadly, No Quarter November is starting to wind down. On the other hand, you have all those great Doug Wilson books and now you need to decide which order to read them in. Here is a recommended order to do that. As you look at this list, you will see that some […]
Pastor vs Superintendent: Transgenderism in the Local School

By Levi Secord How does a pastor who gave up on public education a long time ago, and who homeschools his children, end up in an intense meeting with the superintendent of the local school district? That’s a good question that requires a long answer. A couple of months ago, our neighbor who served on […]