Every State Wants to Get Stoned

Economic growth is welcome news for politicians but not enough to get them to champion a controversial bill that many moralistic constituents would oppose. There is yet another green leafy substance that makes them drool…By making pot legal, not only are state governments able to collect tax revenue but they are able to jack up tax rates astronomically.
Theresa May’s Failed Gamble: The UK Election and the Limits of Democracy

After the election on June 8, millions of Britons woke up and scratched their heads. Though it was the third exhausting nationwide vote in three years, with millions of new voters casting their ballots for the first time, the result was…inconclusive. Theresa May endured a stunning, almost regime-ending setback. Or did she? Jeremy Corbyn is […]
Courage & Blood Money: A Proposal toward the Abolition of Abortion

“The sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light” (Lk. 16:8). Modern conservative Christians are cowards. We are cowards by many different measurements, but one will suffice. We have almost entirely lost a culture war in which we had the greater numbers, greater resources, […]
Bernie Sanders and the Battle of the Gods

Last week Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders transformed a rather mundane confirmation hearing for the deputy director for the Office of Management and Budget into high political theater, pronouncing the nominee unfit for office due to his religious beliefs. Sanders highlighted a couple of sentences from an article Vought published last year at The Resurgent, in […]
Rolling With a New America

We all know America is changing… Over Christmas break I took my W.A.S.P (white anglo-saxon protestant) blond children to the local outlet mall in the east bay area of northern California. Besides my children, I think we counted about three blond heads in a room of about 300 people. This is in an area of […]
Why Can’t We Figure Comey Out?

Thursday, former FBI director James Comey testified in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee regarding the details of his relationship with Trump. Though the viewership numbers haven’t been released yet, some are projecting it to be the most watched political event since the Watergate hearings of 1973. With an estimated eighteen percent of the American […]
Let’s Just All Stop Breathing

Climate Change Catechism If you want a peek into what sort of moral value system the public schools of America have catechized our children with look up the #ParisAccords. There, especially amongst the young folk, you will see ample apologies to the world for our “*expletive* dumb President”. They have been taught for decades how […]
Identity Politics and the Widening American Divide

Why can’t Americans reach across the aisle like they used to? This question becomes more and more relevant every day, as we see the American political and media establishments retreat to the fringes, leaving the chasm between left and right ever wider. Americans have slowly withdrawn from the candidates hoping to bring people together and […]
It is our business: How Life, Marriage, and Gender are Public Issues

Matt Walsh joined the CrossPolitic podcast this week to talk about his new book The Unholy Trinity, in which he takes aim at the Left’s “assault on life, marriage, and gender.” One point Walsh raised is that one of the Left’s strategies to make minority positions socially acceptable is to get the public at large […]
The UK Election: Can Theresa May Turn Around Her Sinking Poll Numbers?

There is a certain schadenfreude in watching the missteps of countries other than our own. This year in particular, I have been drawn to events outside the morass of American politics. But ours is not the only democracy that seems sometimes to be heading hellwards in a handbasket–not by a long shot. In the UK, […]
What’s Behind the Uber Ban?

Industries that are overly controlled by government authorities do not have the mechanisms for allowing people to make these choices. When markets are allowed to work, options abound
Reaping Calamity: Venezuela and Socialism

Venezuela is continuing its slide into disorder and mayhem. Protests against President Nicolas Maduro’s socialist government have continued for almost eight weeks, and they are growing more violent each day and showing no signs of slowing down. At least fifty-five people have been killed, including protestors, police, and bystanders. Violent protestors doused one young man with […]
What the French Election Means for Europe

Who is Emmanuel Macron? Three years ago, most French citizens would not be able to tell you. Macron’s rise has been described as terrifying by some and salvific by others. For a country wavering between isolationist populism and globalism, this election was historic. Regardless of their views on these issues, everyone watching would agree that […]
Will the Russia Thing Bring Trump Down?

Remember when Trump was supposed to be “our boy?” He won a plurality of the vote among American evangelicals. Our portion of American society clearly thought he was worth casting a vote for. But now, with a new Trump scandal every five minutes, it’s worth revisiting how Christians should react to the Trump administration’s weaknesses. […]
Confederate Monuments and the Plank in our Eyes

Last week city workers removed a statue of Jefferson Davis from a prominent city thoroughfare in New Orleans. This action marked the second removal of a Civil War era structure in the city; statues of Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and P.G.T. Beauregard are slated for relocation in the near future. Ever since nine people […]
Why We Live in a Theocracy Now

Recently, my alma mater New Saint Andrew’s college announced that it would be purchasing a property in downtown Moscow, ID. It is affectionately known as the “CJ’s” building (meaning Cadillac Jack’s) and for many years has been a bar and dance hall. NSA made this announcement here. Lee Rozen, the editor of the Moscow-Pullman Daily […]
Defense Spending: What’s another $54 billion between friends?

For a thought experiment, next time you are reading Psalm 20, when you read “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God,” do a little mental modernization and change the words to “Some trust in Strike Eagles and others trust in Warthogs.”
Nobody Ever Said You Were A Pre-Existing Condition

At the America’s World Voices Festival in New York last Thursday, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards set off a media frenzy, saying, “Being a woman is going to be now a pre-existing condition in this country” (Bryant 2017). Since then protests and hashtags have been dedicated to attacking the American Health Care Act (AHCA) and […]
On Saving the World

The other day I stumbled across a new series on Netflix: Bill Nye Saves the World. Now I, like millions of public school children, grew up watching Bill Nye, so I figured I’d try out this new series. At the forefront, he told the audience that this was not going to be the same Bill […]
A Sense of Purpose, but no Sense of Place: The Media Will Always Get the 2016 Election Wrong

During the last election cycle, even up through the first half of election night, every major media outlet predicted a comfortable victory for Hillary Clinton. Here you can see one much-referenced election calculator, timed out like a broken stopwatch, displaying the best prediction the pollsters could give us: 71% chance of a Clinton victory, last […]