Christian Screenplays shouldn’t suck Starts January 11
Meets Tues & Thurs, 5pm Pacific time
Christian Screenplays shouldn’t suck. Unfortunately, they have gained just such a reputation. The world has been in a story telling contest since the Dragon’s first “Hath God said…” our survival as a people depends on our storytellers being able to compete on an uneven playing field. You will learn the fundamentals of storytelling, the fundamentals of screenwriting, and the way these all apply to making movies. In this class you will learn the ins and outs of screenwriting as a medium as well as how to tell fundamentally Christian stories in an industry that has turned its back on everything that makes stories great. Come prepared to enjoy and think deeper about movies than you ever thought possible.
Schedule of Topics (Meets for 7 weeks)
- What does it take to make a film – The triangle of creativity, tech, and business
- Theology of creativity
- Habits of a writer
- The grammar of story
- Is it a story or just a concept? How to get from concept to story by understanding sanctification.
- Creating protagonists
- Creating antagonists (that think they’re the protagonist)
- Plotting for Character Development (aka Hurting people you love for their own good)
- Don’t forget to feed the bears (The Rhythm and Poetry of Sabbath in Story)
- Comedy, drama, and tragedy
Jason Farley is a poet, author, and screenwriter in Spokane, WA. As a co-founder at, he is working to free Christian filmmakers from the tyranny of the Hollywood mafia.
Starts January 11, meets Tues & Thurs, 5pm Pacific time