In Every Domain of Human Existence: An Institution-Building Church

By Rhett Burns The book of Proverbs often perplexes modern readers of the Bible with its earthiness. What’s with all the talk of work and women and words? What does that have to do with the Great Commission and the kingdom of God? It turns out a lot.  In his book Solomon Says, Mark Horne […]

Constitutional Law & The Cult of Experts

Guest Post By Brian Sauvé As our forefather John Adams said, “If ye would know a people, know their Facebook memes.” I mean, he probably would have said that.  There’s a meme multiplying through the internet that caught my eye the other day. It says something to the effect of, “Huh, that’s weird. All my […]


Apple Rss Instagram Facebook Twitter Youtube October 6th-8th Fight, Laugh, and Feast CONFERENCE The theme of this year’s conference is Lies, Propaganda, Storytelling, and the Serrated Edge. Satan is the father of lies and spin, and the mother of those lies is a government who has rejected God. REGISTER NOW Join Fight, Laugh & Feast […]

Why It’s Good to Dance at the Defeat of God’s Enemies

Guest Post By Seth Bloomsburg The overturning of Roe vs. Wade by the Dobbs vs. Jackson ruling is incredibly historic. I simply do not have the words to describe how monumental this ruling was. Virtually everyone alive today has lived the majority of their lives in the shadow of the evil of Supreme Court approved […]

Rapid City

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CrossPolitic Liberty Tour

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NEW FLF Course for Screen writers by Jason Farley

Christian Screenplays shouldn’t suck Starts January 11 Meets Tues & Thurs, 5pm Pacific time Register Today! Christian Screenplays shouldn’t suck. Unfortunately, they have gained just such a reputation. The world has been in a story telling contest since the Dragon’s first “Hath God said…” our survival as a people depends on our storytellers being able […]

NEW FLF Course by CR Wiley on Tom Bombadil

In the House of Tom Bombadil Starts January 12 Every Wednesday 5pm-7pm Pacific time, for 7 weeks Register today! Who is the mysterious and apparently ridiculous Tom Bombadil? How did he manage to get into The Lord of the Rings? There’s been a lot of speculation, but most of it isn’t very convincing. Some critics […]

Are You a Christian Nationalist?

By Rhett Burns Are you a Christian Nationalist? This seems to be the talk soup of the day on Twitter, thanks to threads like this, so let’s weigh in on how to answer. There are some questions that require nuanced and careful answers. For example, asking Are you a missionary? to a Western Christian living […]

This Thanksgiving, Be Thankful the Pilgrims Tried Communism–And It Didn’t Work

Guest post by Dr. Gregory Soderberg The “first Thanksgiving” is one of the treasured legends of our American beginnings. You can Google the real story later. Less well-known is the Pilgrim’s failed experiment with communism. In these historically-ignorant times, when socialism and communism are sexy again, we can be thankful that the Pilgrims tried a […]

Rittenhouse, the Right, and Our Evangelistic Opportunity

By Rhett Burns I now rise to offer three cheers and a toast to King Kyle of Kenosha. May you live free and full of years, and may your tribe of bold men, full of courage and action, increase! May your slanderers pay through the nose and your accusers become a stench to their own […]

We’re Gaining Ground: Reflecting on the FLF Conference

By Rhett Burns “Shout on, pray on, we’re gaining ground—Glory, hallelujah!” This line is from the American folk hymn I Know That My Redeemer Lives, one of many psalms and hymns we sang last weekend in Lebanon, Tennessee at the most recent Fight Laugh Feast conference. And the refrain captures well the spirit of the […]

The End of “BIG”: Decentralization, Opportunity, and the Denominational Future

By Rhett Burns Back in June, I attended my first ever Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. This means that, despite being a lifelong Southern Baptist, Chocolate Knox, a Presbyterian, has taken part—and voted?—in more SBC annual meetings than I have. I’m unsure if this makes him a worse Presbyterian or me a worse […]

Be an immune system prepper

Guest Post By Dr. Eric Potter Third in a series of articles on the immune system. Although social distancing is an unfortunate norm today due to COVID-19, you can strengthen your body in a way that may allow you to feel more confident about your health. We can do that by properly preparing our immune […]