The Wrath of the Educrats

By Rhett Burns The Educrats are angry. And it seems they are lashing out in fear, having been threatened by the terrible vision of ten-year-olds learning their math facts at the kitchen table. Harvard Magazine ran a hit piece by Erin O’Donnell in its most recent issue, insinuating that home schools are hotbeds of abuse […]

Christian Scientists

Several years ago, a lot of press was given to the new Common Core standards that were implemented nationwide.  At the request of several state school boards, the Common Core standards are English and Math requirements handed down by the federal department of education.  These set new federal requirements in reading and math, and were […]

Educating for Ignorance

Schools of all types desire an interdisciplinary education.  Secular education strives for it, and liberal arts assumes to be the master of it (Newell, 2007; Edutopia Team, 2008).  In order to be truly interdisciplinary, subjects must be united around a central theme or pedagogical goal.  Most schools face a continual struggle to integrate topics across […]

Education as Worship: It’s Not Classical, It’s Christian

Classical education has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity in both Christian and secular schools.  The Association of Classical Christian Schools is just over 20 years old and has members around the world.  Secular educators have noted the success of the classical method, and now classical charter schools are popping up all over the country.  The […]

Does the Church Fail the Uneducated?

The church in America has in part given way to a social club that maintains the apparatus of Christianity while providing different social classes, from the lower middle class on up, respectability and community. This respectability and community sometimes comes at the cost of exclusion of the poor and less-educated.

Are Parents Ready for Vouchers?

Betsy DeVos is known for her support of “the voucher system” for public education (Nazaryan 2017, 39; Disare 2017, 49). In this system, parents are given a certain amount of voucher money for child tuition which can be used at the school of their choice, regardless of that school’s beliefs and affiliations. This would potentially […]