Rittenhouse, the Right, and Our Evangelistic Opportunity

By Rhett Burns I now rise to offer three cheers and a toast to King Kyle of Kenosha. May you live free and full of years, and may your tribe of bold men, full of courage and action, increase! May your slanderers pay through the nose and your accusers become a stench to their own […]
A Ladder, a Bible, and a Preacher: Fighting to End Abortion in South Carolina

By Rhett Burns I went to minister at our local abortion clinic for the first time like a safe and respectable Christian: I showed up to pray outside the entrance as part of the 40 Days for Life campaign last fall. One of the ladies serving at the gate kindly explained their ministry. They prayed, […]
Hunger For God: Nearly 1000 Soldiers Come to Faith

When I was a young boy I met someone who seemed like a giant to me. At six-foot-seven-inches Jose Rondon was the tallest person I had ever seen in person. He was also incredibly kind, a good baseball pitcher, and loved Jesus. Originally from Venezuela, Jose lived briefly with my grandparents before staying long-term with […]
Facebook, Evangelism, and the Control of Information

Adam Ford has sold the Christian satire news site, The Babylon Bee. Launched in 2016, the Bee employs The Onion-style satire to spoof American evangelicalism—its popular pastors, authors, and fads—while taking occasional jabs at our larger secular culture. It has been mostly funny and wildly successful. So why did Ford sell? He gave several reasons […]
To Persuade or Alienate … that is the Question

As Christians, we are to be salty. Christians are to be winsome, but we’ve become increasingly unsavory. Let’s face it, most Christians are not known by what they are for, but by what they are against. Relentless criticism is never a good platform to persuade anyone. Long ago, Aristotle defined rhetoric as the art of […]