Making Welfare Less Important

We must move toward serious welfare reform not by simply pressuring people to work, but rather by supporting the pursuit of higher-wage employment. The ultimate goal would be to get rid of welfare entirely, or at least reduce it to being a last safety net for those without any other assistance available. If we emphasize […]
The Left’s Sense of Divine Justice

If you’ve made a handful of trips around the sun, you might be old enough to remember the likes of Pat Robertson declaring every natural disaster a judgement from God upon our nation for sodomy, abortion, feminism, and whatever else deemed contrary to God’s Word. The Left scoffed, “thinking” Christians winced, and the Religious Right […]
David Foster Wallace and the Worldly Perils of Entertainment

A Christian’s Introduction to David Foster Wallace, Part 1 When I read the Parable of the Sower, I often feel like the young plant sown among thorns. I am beset every day precisely by the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches, not so much the “trouble or persecution” Christ refers to in […]
Review: CrossPolitic Live

I’ve always wanted to watch an extended political interview where the host stubbornly refuses to allow the politician to retreat to pat answers and stump speech talking points, where he interrupts evasive techniques and forces arguments to their logical ends. Sure, Bill O’Reilly made a career out of his no-spin schtick, but despite the yelling […]
States’ Rights and the Union: An Ongoing Debate

When we think about states’ rights, our minds often go straight to the Civil War. Few of us recognize that the debate is actually still quite alive. Events like those in Charlottesville draw our minds back to unresolved animosity of the War Between the States, but we should be using these events to help us […]
Easily Steered: Support for Same-Sex Marriage at Record High

The LGBT war machine rolls on. According to the latest polling data from the Pew Research Center, natio support for so called same-sex marriage is at a record high, with nearly two-thirds of Americans saying they favor allowing same-sex couples to marry. [1] Even groups traditionally opposed to same-sex marriage such as baby boomers, blacks, […]
A Just War and Just War

There’s a world of difference between a just war and just war. There is war for a just reason, and there is war just to be able to say you did something while in office. Wars can serve to boost patriotism, nationalism. and For the GOP, it often bolsters the “rah, rah, rah” spirit that […]
It’s Edited: Don’t be Duped by the Newsertainment

Editing is an art form. My son Cedric was coming in the front door a few days ago when his sister asked, “Did you eat an ice cream sandwich?” He replied, “Malachi had two.” That was, strictly speaking, true. Malachi had eaten two ice cream sandwiches. The difficulty is that Cedric had also eaten one. […]
Fading Back to Black and White

After the Charlottesville riots, America was thrown into a fit of iconoclasticism. Tearing down statues of Confederate leaders, demanding the renaming of streets named after “white supremacists.” When did American history become so binary? I always thought that there were more groups than just white supremacists and good people. It’s ironic that, just as our […]
How Do Millennials Thrive in the Church?

A Church for the Next Generation, Part Three In the past two posts, we’ve looked at whether young people are going to church less, and why some young people leave the church. Now I want to answer another why question: if the church is as stuffy and old-fashioned as we’re always hearing, why do so […]
White Supremacy: Not our baby

One of the central plays the Left is running is to paint Christians and conservatives with the same dirty brush as they do the alt-right white supremacists. They have been calling conservatives Nazis for years, a standard retort to such offenses as budgetary math and the suggestion that the federal government wear a functioning seat […]
Six Day Creationism and Evolution

Most of us have been pulled over by a cop. Imagine for a moment that this happens to you. The cop flashes his lights, you dutifully pull over, hand over your license and registration. He informs you that he pulled you over because you didn’t stop at the stop sign. You respond with, “But officer, […]
When Fools Clash

As long as Trump is in office, he will be the center of media attention. But something different is happening now: the media is beginning to fixate on an issue that is actually important. This time Trump isn’t just tweeting about a talk show host, or calling Rosie O’Donnell a pig. This time Donald Trump […]
Idol Matching

There are some chilling similarities between the idols out there and the sacrifices they require, and the idols in our own hearts.
Google It: The Diversity Movement is a Sham

“You have the command to remain silent. Anything you say, not approved by the vice president for diversity, can and will be held against you.” Or so it seems. Google employee James Damore wrote an internal memo addressing diversity and gender gaps at the company, making two overarching points: 1) Google’s progressivist monoculture shames and […]
The Problems with “Optimistic Nihilism”

The world was made for us. It’s a comforting idea, isn’t it? And for many thousands of years, humans believed it was true. Our ancestors looked up at the sky and saw a bright yellow ball which lit our days and warmed our skin. There were plants and animals for us to eat. There was […]
Medical Abortions and the Contradictions of the Pro-Choice Crowd

Abortion pill reversal has been a point of serious contention lately, with some states even mandating that abortion providers inform their patients that the effects of the abortion pill on the baby may be reversible. And yet this is an issue that many pro-life people know little about. For example, few pro-life people realize that […]
Why are we continually duped by our politicians?

I recently returned from vacation where I swore off keeping up with the news in favor of logging lots of swim time with the kids and diving into some fun books. Two of the books were fascinating memoirs, and, though seemingly unrelated, they coalesced in my mind once I tuned in to catch up on […]
Six Reasons Millennials Leave the Church

Part two in the series “A Church for the Next Generation” In my last post, I took a quick look at church attendance among young people and concluded that the fear-mongering about young people leaving the church was wrong and misplaced. For example, I showed that the demographic rise of “nones,” or religiously unaffiliated people, […]

Stories are a DNA test for a culture. They show a culture’s its ideals, its perceptions of the world, its hopes for the future. Our stories reveal the marrow of our faith. That being the case, our increasing godlessness has resulted in stories of dystopia. Our postmodernism has left us disillusioned and distrusting of truth, […]