The Tree of Life

Well, it’s summer. It’s time for the beach towels, sunblock, the nearest pool, and, yes, good movies. Who doesn’t love a late night movie with some great friends? Good movies, though, are harder to find than the nearest swimming hole. What do I mean by a good movie? A good movie is one whose […]
Why Justice Should Be Blind

“Believe in equal pay for equal work? Put your money where your mouth is.” So reads the website of the most comically unfair product I’ve ever seen. I first ran across the EquiTable app about six months ago. At first, I thought that their advertisement video was a Saturday Night Live skit; surely no one […]
Intersectionality Is a Big Word; Basically, It Means Weaponized Feminism

First, there was marginalization of people of color, then there was maximalization, to add people of color where they should have been in the first place. If that sounds wrong, it if sounds like three big steps in the wrong direction, I completely agree. If one race, class, or gender has been treated unequally, the solution is to treat every race, class, and gender equally. If you instead privilege one previously maltreated group, you are perpetuating the problem.
The Burden of Proof

In our culture we are constantly required to give in to the claims of Science. The phrase “Science has proven” is the Q.E.D. of modern debate. Moderns scoff at the idea of God being on their side, yet easily swallow the notion that Science is on their side. This year the March for Science and […]
The Sweet and Shrewd Courage of a High School Graduation Speech

Graduating senior Moriah Bridges was chosen by her class president to provide the closing exercise at Beaver High School’s June 2nd graduation ceremony in Beaver, Pennsylvania. Bridges, a Christian, included a prayer in her remarks, but the Beaver School District forced her to edit her speech due to religious language such as “Heavenly Father” and […]
Religion Reassignment Surgery

The Church of England has been cowed. We’ve known this for years, but it is rapidly capitulating and scrambling to “origami” itself into something that will appease the sensibilities of the culture. Rev. Chris Newlands is proposing a motion to the General Synod next month to debate the issue of “rechristening” for transgender-benders. After he […]
What Americans Can Learn from Canada
Stephen Harper served as Prime Minister of Canada for nine years. While few would say that Trump and Harper are similar leaders, there are some things that we can learn from the genesis of the former Canadian Prime Minister that tell us about the current American situation, and why Trump’s legacy will last for so […]
Rob Bell’s “What is the Bible?” Part 3

In chapter one, “Moses and His Moisture,” Bell sets a precedent for how he argues in for the rest of the book. The two biggest problems he has are that, with a single exception in the whole book, he does not provide any citation for obscure cultural or linguistic facts he refers to, and he […]
Every State Wants to Get Stoned

Economic growth is welcome news for politicians but not enough to get them to champion a controversial bill that many moralistic constituents would oppose. There is yet another green leafy substance that makes them drool…By making pot legal, not only are state governments able to collect tax revenue but they are able to jack up tax rates astronomically.
Theresa May’s Failed Gamble: The UK Election and the Limits of Democracy

After the election on June 8, millions of Britons woke up and scratched their heads. Though it was the third exhausting nationwide vote in three years, with millions of new voters casting their ballots for the first time, the result was…inconclusive. Theresa May endured a stunning, almost regime-ending setback. Or did she? Jeremy Corbyn is […]
Courage & Blood Money: A Proposal toward the Abolition of Abortion

“The sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light” (Lk. 16:8). Modern conservative Christians are cowards. We are cowards by many different measurements, but one will suffice. We have almost entirely lost a culture war in which we had the greater numbers, greater resources, […]
Bernie Sanders and the Battle of the Gods

Last week Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders transformed a rather mundane confirmation hearing for the deputy director for the Office of Management and Budget into high political theater, pronouncing the nominee unfit for office due to his religious beliefs. Sanders highlighted a couple of sentences from an article Vought published last year at The Resurgent, in […]
Education as Worship: It’s Not Classical, It’s Christian

Classical education has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity in both Christian and secular schools. The Association of Classical Christian Schools is just over 20 years old and has members around the world. Secular educators have noted the success of the classical method, and now classical charter schools are popping up all over the country. The […]
Rolling With a New America

We all know America is changing… Over Christmas break I took my W.A.S.P (white anglo-saxon protestant) blond children to the local outlet mall in the east bay area of northern California. Besides my children, I think we counted about three blond heads in a room of about 300 people. This is in an area of […]
Bill Maher and the Impotence of the Tiny Heart-Obama

I make my children practice telling jokes at dinner. If I can help it, none of my progeny will have bad comedic timing. The girl that married me, lo so many zodiacal rotations ago, hoped to be a comedian when she grew up. The same skills, it turns out, apply to motherhood. (She has a […]
Why Can’t We Figure Comey Out?

Thursday, former FBI director James Comey testified in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee regarding the details of his relationship with Trump. Though the viewership numbers haven’t been released yet, some are projecting it to be the most watched political event since the Watergate hearings of 1973. With an estimated eighteen percent of the American […]
The Anatomy of Peace

Pictured in a group counselling session of parents with problem children, The Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict proposes that many people seeking to deal with conflict increase it. It creates a window into the lives of several couples—Lou and Carol at the center—in order to discuss situations which sound familiar to the […]
Rob Bell’s “What is the Bible?” Part 2

In the introduction to “What is the Bible?” Bell clearly indicates he is a fan of good exegesis and scholarship. “So I went to seminary, and I studied Greek and Hebrew (the two languages the Bible was originally written in), and I studied history and hermeneutics and exegesis and form and textual criticism— all so […]
You Got Pregnant. You’re Keeping Your Baby. Now, the Media is Exploiting You.

But this isn’t just about Maddi Runkles anymore. When a controversy between Christians makes The Washington Post and The New York Times, you know that a power play is going on. Secular media aren’t interested in the plights of pregnant girls who choose abortion–it’s not news. It’s news when a girl courageously and publicly chooses life. But the real reason we’re seeing this in the news? It’s meant to make you think the Pro-Life movement is inconsistent with the Christian belief in chastity, and that this invalidates both beliefs.
Counterfeit Christianity in the Wake of London Terror Attacks

The problem for secularists is they cannot shake off the image of God. Because we live in God’s world as His image-bearers we will tend toward certain impulses: justice, joy, love, mercy, evangelism, and prayer. But dislodged from Christ these impulses jump the rails and crash. Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the root and the fruit, the source and the goal of all things. Once we remove Him we are left with justice that isn’t just, mercy that invites murder, and prayers to the no-gods in the great emotive sky. But in Christ justice and mercy kiss, we join the angels in heavenly song, and our prayers rise like incense to the throne of Almighty God.