White Supremacy: Not our baby

One of the central plays the Left is running is to paint Christians and conservatives with the same dirty brush as they do the alt-right white supremacists. They have been calling conservatives Nazis for years, a standard retort to such offenses as budgetary math and the suggestion that the federal government wear a functioning seat […]
Six Day Creationism and Evolution

Most of us have been pulled over by a cop. Imagine for a moment that this happens to you. The cop flashes his lights, you dutifully pull over, hand over your license and registration. He informs you that he pulled you over because you didn’t stop at the stop sign. You respond with, “But officer, […]
When Fools Clash

As long as Trump is in office, he will be the center of media attention. But something different is happening now: the media is beginning to fixate on an issue that is actually important. This time Trump isn’t just tweeting about a talk show host, or calling Rosie O’Donnell a pig. This time Donald Trump […]
Medical Abortions and the Contradictions of the Pro-Choice Crowd

Abortion pill reversal has been a point of serious contention lately, with some states even mandating that abortion providers inform their patients that the effects of the abortion pill on the baby may be reversible. And yet this is an issue that many pro-life people know little about. For example, few pro-life people realize that […]
Why are we continually duped by our politicians?

I recently returned from vacation where I swore off keeping up with the news in favor of logging lots of swim time with the kids and diving into some fun books. Two of the books were fascinating memoirs, and, though seemingly unrelated, they coalesced in my mind once I tuned in to catch up on […]
Trump’s Thick-Headed Transgender Tweets

In a series of three Tweets on Wednesday July 26th, President Trump announced that “transgender individuals” would no longer be allowed to serve “in any capacity” in the military. This ruling is clearly intended to garner support from much of his base, which voted for him because of his disregard for political correctness and media […]
Guest Post by Pastor Doug Wilson: Christian Disobedience

Guest Post by Douglas Wilson In the light of various Supreme Court decisions—Roe, Obergefell, and other mutants—where they have sought to sanctify things that God has declared unholy, confused and abominable, our ongoing responsibility as Christians is to think through a biblical understanding of our relationship to the state. It is a pressing responsibility. We […]
Why the Left is Alright with Corporate Meddling

If there’s one thing the Left hates, it’s corporate America meddling in politics. Well not all of corporate America, but, like, Hobby Lobby and stuff. And not all politics: fighting against those wicked Southern Christians is okay. So maybe the Left isn’t actually against corporate greed. I mean, they sure seem to enjoy having a […]
On Multiple Strategies in the Abortion Fight

Last week I posted an interview with my friend Emily Buchanan of the Susan B. Anthony List, a political organization based in Washington, D.C. We talked about abortion politics and the SBA List’s efforts to end the abortion carnage. I greatly appreciate Emily taking time to talk with CrossPolitic and for her organization’s continued pro-life […]
America and France: Allies, but not Friends

France and the United States have been politically linked since the Revolutionary War. The American and French Revolutions, while wildly different in ideology, were products of the same age, occurring within fifteen years of each other. In our respective revolutions, each of our countries cooperated, since we were ostensibly fighting for the same things: freedom […]
Interview: The SBA List and Abortion Politics

Recently I sat down with my friend Emily Buchanan to talk about abortion politics and her work as executive vice president of the Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life organization in Washington, D.C. RB: Hi Emily, thanks for joining us. Can you introduce us to the SBA List? What do you guys do? EB: So […]
To Persuade or Alienate … that is the Question

As Christians, we are to be salty. Christians are to be winsome, but we’ve become increasingly unsavory. Let’s face it, most Christians are not known by what they are for, but by what they are against. Relentless criticism is never a good platform to persuade anyone. Long ago, Aristotle defined rhetoric as the art of […]
Build the Wall?

What should Christians think of building “The Wall”? Conservative think-tank PragerU has produced a video giving some very practical reasons for building a border wall between America and Mexico. But, as Christians, we should not be “conservative” or “libertarian,” unanchored to our Christian convictions. Our constant refrain should be, “What does the Bible say?” For […]
“Make America Great Again” and Other Stupid Nationalist Songs

For a song that refers to itself as a “mighty melody,” it’s about what you’d expect: a florid piece of music, full of bombast and clanging cymbals. The Independent, a British newspaper, said that the production “has a strong North Korean vibe.” That may be overstating it, since the lyrics are more anodyne than jingoistic. But still, what are we supposed to do with a song like this? Will it join the great tradition of martial American songs that paint the aspirations of our nation as pre-blessed by an omnipotent and Americanized creator (cf. Battle Hymn of the Republic)? Or, as seems more likely, will it fade from our collective memory sooner than the swine flu hysteria?
Marxism is Boring: The Hyper-Politicization of Public Art

Everyone has to have an overarching story. A mythos that holds what they see and hear together. When I lived in California, I did evangelism on Wednesdays. I hoped to do it other days as well, but Wednesdays I did my sermon prep at the neighborhood park. I introduced myself to people and invited folks to […]
When the State Decides Who Lives and Dies

News broke on Tuesday that a young boy in Britain would be denied access to further healthcare in the United States. Charlie Gard, a ten-month-old boy from London, was born last August with an incredibly rare genetic condition called infantile onset encephalomyopathy mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, or MDDS. At first, Charlie seemed completely normal; he […]
Open Wide Your Hand: 4 Questions Regarding Social Welfare

Georgia’s food stamp program provides an interesting case study for thinking about the current debate surrounding social welfare. In good fiscal news Georgia has seen a sixteen percent drop in food stamp usage over the last four years, saving tens of millions of dollars each month for taxpayers. As the economy continues to strengthen and […]
Why Justice Should Be Blind

“Believe in equal pay for equal work? Put your money where your mouth is.” So reads the website of the most comically unfair product I’ve ever seen. I first ran across the EquiTable app about six months ago. At first, I thought that their advertisement video was a Saturday Night Live skit; surely no one […]
The Sweet and Shrewd Courage of a High School Graduation Speech

Graduating senior Moriah Bridges was chosen by her class president to provide the closing exercise at Beaver High School’s June 2nd graduation ceremony in Beaver, Pennsylvania. Bridges, a Christian, included a prayer in her remarks, but the Beaver School District forced her to edit her speech due to religious language such as “Heavenly Father” and […]
What Americans Can Learn from Canada
Stephen Harper served as Prime Minister of Canada for nine years. While few would say that Trump and Harper are similar leaders, there are some things that we can learn from the genesis of the former Canadian Prime Minister that tell us about the current American situation, and why Trump’s legacy will last for so […]