Be an immune system prepper

Guest Post By Dr. Eric Potter Third in a series of articles on the immune system. Although social distancing is an unfortunate norm today due to COVID-19, you can strengthen your body in a way that may allow you to feel more confident about your health. We can do that by properly preparing our immune […]

Guest Article By Dr. Chad Savage Your house should be your most expensive purchase, so the saying goes. Not these days. Today, health insurance premiums can make your mortgage payment look puny by comparison. Your home or your vacation or your children’s future should be where your money goes—not to a plastic insurance card in […]
The New Health Care: 5 Ways Samaritan Ministries Transforms Health Care

Guest Article By Anthony Hopp As more Americans learn about health care sharing, Samaritan Ministries International remains one of the leading health care sharing ministries in America. Several distinctives have guided the ministry in following its mission for 25 years. About the same time Samaritan Ministries was starting 25 years ago, Arby’s ran an ad […]
Health Care Sharing Members’ Stories Matter

By Ted Pittenger A Jan. 2 New York Times story by Reed Abelson about health care sharing organizations used Samaritan Ministries International members Mark and Caroline Collie for the opening of the piece. It had a catchy headline: “It Looks Like Health Insurance, but It’s Not. ‘Just Trust God,’ Buyers Are Told.” Unfortunately, the article […]
Why Patients and Care Providers Are Moving Away from Major Hospital Systems

By Anthony Hopp One would think, in these days of COVID-19, that America’s doctors and patients are as reliant on our hospitals as they’ve ever been. And that they’re going to stay that way. Guess again. Today, even as the health care system and the economy face strains from the coronavirus and its complications, scores […]
Houses of Healing, Houses of Hope

Guest Article By Gregory Soderberg In the midst of the global COVID-19 crisis, there are many features of our modern life that we take for granted. Toilet paper, meat, hand sanitizer … and hospitals. Although adequate medical care is still tragically absent in many countries throughout the world, a huge percentage of the world’s population […]
Coronaing Out of Control

By Levi Secord At this point, frustration, bewilderment, and despair rule over much of our world. As a pastor, I’m tasked with shepherding my flock throughout life. This calling includes helping them live faithfully in the face of global uncertainty. Trials shed light on who we are, especially our weaknesses. Unfortunately, like with other controversies […]
Jung, Occultism, and Weird Science

By George Grant Watkins’ Bookshop in Cecil Court, just off Charing Cross between Leicester Square and Covent Garden in London, was established in 1891 by John Watkins, and is still London’s premier occult bookstore. One of its most famous customers was Carl Gustav Jung, who would together with Sigmund Freud, pioneer the field of psychology […]
Choosing to Not Choose is Still Choosing

We knew it would only be a matter of time before this sort of thing becomes more common. A couple of women who identify as men have a child, which they have decided to not assign a gender to, and thus allow their child the freedom to “discover” itself. You can watch the interview here: […]
Jung, Occultism, and Weird Science

Watkins’ Bookshop in Cecil Court, just off Charing Cross between Leicester Square and Covent Garden in London, was established in 1891 by John Watkins, and is still London’s premier occult bookstore. One of its most famous customers was Carl Gustav Jung, who, together with Sigmund Freud, would pioneer the field of psychology and psychotherapy. Watkins […]
Christian Scientists

Several years ago, a lot of press was given to the new Common Core standards that were implemented nationwide. At the request of several state school boards, the Common Core standards are English and Math requirements handed down by the federal department of education. These set new federal requirements in reading and math, and were […]
The Left’s Sense of Divine Justice

If you’ve made a handful of trips around the sun, you might be old enough to remember the likes of Pat Robertson declaring every natural disaster a judgement from God upon our nation for sodomy, abortion, feminism, and whatever else deemed contrary to God’s Word. The Left scoffed, “thinking” Christians winced, and the Religious Right […]
Six Day Creationism and Evolution

Most of us have been pulled over by a cop. Imagine for a moment that this happens to you. The cop flashes his lights, you dutifully pull over, hand over your license and registration. He informs you that he pulled you over because you didn’t stop at the stop sign. You respond with, “But officer, […]
Medical Abortions and the Contradictions of the Pro-Choice Crowd

Abortion pill reversal has been a point of serious contention lately, with some states even mandating that abortion providers inform their patients that the effects of the abortion pill on the baby may be reversible. And yet this is an issue that many pro-life people know little about. For example, few pro-life people realize that […]
The Big “E” on the Eye Chart

Resisting Evolutionary Theory is becoming more and more unpopular in evangelical circles. It isn’t considered respectable, or in any way intelligent, to maintain Creationism at all costs. Fighting the culture wars has been exhausting, and why shouldn’t we put our efforts into the new issues, like transgender bathrooms, and give the evolution fight up as […]
The Burden of Proof

In our culture we are constantly required to give in to the claims of Science. The phrase “Science has proven” is the Q.E.D. of modern debate. Moderns scoff at the idea of God being on their side, yet easily swallow the notion that Science is on their side. This year the March for Science and […]
Made in Our Own Image

A profound shift in scientific philosophy has occurred in the last 100 years. Significant scientific breakthroughs are manipulated into a grasp for control. The theory of evolution fundamentally changed the character of the Christian pursuit of science, casting humans as the masters of creation and making nature into our image. We have decided that if there […]
Let’s Just All Stop Breathing

Climate Change Catechism If you want a peek into what sort of moral value system the public schools of America have catechized our children with look up the #ParisAccords. There, especially amongst the young folk, you will see ample apologies to the world for our “*expletive* dumb President”. They have been taught for decades how […]
Is Our Galaxy Worth Guarding? (A Sort-Of-Not-Really Movie Review)

It is true that nobody makes a new earth without first making a new heaven. – G. K. Chesterton (Ffinch 1986, 278) I have recently been wondering, if I were to travel to Krypton, would the sun give me superpowers? Or would Krypton’s sun, being red and therefore older and cooler, deplete my powers? The way chunks of Krypton […]
On Saving the World

The other day I stumbled across a new series on Netflix: Bill Nye Saves the World. Now I, like millions of public school children, grew up watching Bill Nye, so I figured I’d try out this new series. At the forefront, he told the audience that this was not going to be the same Bill […]