Why It’s Good to Dance at the Defeat of God’s Enemies

Guest Post By Seth Bloomsburg The overturning of Roe vs. Wade by the Dobbs vs. Jackson ruling is incredibly historic. I simply do not have the words to describe how monumental this ruling was. Virtually everyone alive today has lived the majority of their lives in the shadow of the evil of Supreme Court approved […]
This Thanksgiving, Be Thankful the Pilgrims Tried Communism–And It Didn’t Work

Guest post by Dr. Gregory Soderberg The “first Thanksgiving” is one of the treasured legends of our American beginnings. You can Google the real story later. Less well-known is the Pilgrim’s failed experiment with communism. In these historically-ignorant times, when socialism and communism are sexy again, we can be thankful that the Pilgrims tried a […]
When the Government is an Abusive Husband

By Levi Secord With all the insanity we’ve seen around the COVID-19 fiasco, what has frustrated me the most is evangelicalism adherence to gross governmental overreach. Before this past year, I believed statism was a significant threat to God’s people in the West, and what I’ve seen has only solidified that concern. In December, I […]
Christian Defense of Nationalism

Guest Article by Darrell Dow The last decade has seen the global emergence of nationalism and populism. From Japan to the Indian subcontinent, from the Middle East to Europe and the Americas, the global political divide is increasingly defined by the chasm separating corporate global elites from a rising tide of nationalism expressed via populist […]
Proud to be an American? A Christian Reflection on being American

By Levi Secord In the fallout of the George Floyd fiasco, much has been said about what is wrong with America, both her past and present. As a Christian, my current understanding of America is complex. Of course, my primary citizenship is in Christ’s coming kingdom. Nonetheless, God has ordained that I be born and […]
The Justice of Poverty

By Levi Secord Central to the social justice movement is the belief that inequality of outcome is a telltale sign of injustice: things like income inequality, education inequality, and social inequality are proof of evil. Of course, this principle is only selectively applied. Higher incarceration rates for men versus women and the rate of police […]
Rebellion to Tyrants: The Principles behind the Just War for Independence

By Jesse Sumpter In celebrating Independence Day, it is important to take time and set forth the political and historical principles behind the American Revolution. We often hear about the issue of taxes in the American colonies but we frequently don’t understand why that was an issue. Some might think the taxes were too high. […]
Constitutional Law & The Cult of Experts

Guest Post By Brian Sauvé As our forefather John Adams said, “If ye would know a people, know their Facebook memes.” I mean, he probably would have said that. There’s a meme multiplying through the internet that caught my eye the other day. It says something to the effect of, “Huh, that’s weird. All my […]
Seductive Statism: David Bahnsen, Robert Sirico, and Big Government

By Jesse Sumpter Thursday, April 9, Acton Institute hosted a live conversation on Zoom between David Bahnsen and Fr. Robert Sirico about the current Covid-19 Economic situation. David Bahnsen is the Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer of The Bahnsen Group, managing over $2.25 billion in client assets. Bahnsen was recently on CrossPolitic to talk […]
Coronaing Out of Control

By Levi Secord At this point, frustration, bewilderment, and despair rule over much of our world. As a pastor, I’m tasked with shepherding my flock throughout life. This calling includes helping them live faithfully in the face of global uncertainty. Trials shed light on who we are, especially our weaknesses. Unfortunately, like with other controversies […]
THE MYTH OF NEUTRALITY: How Christians Should Read Coronavirus “News”

Guest Post by Joel Webbon I want to remind you friends, during this season, that although we should be diligent not to politicize everything, everything is still being politicized by just about everyone else. If we believe that political policies (including what kind of bans should be enforced during the coronavirus) flow downstream from morality, […]
Stimulus Checks are Bad for the Economy

By Jesse Sumpter President Trump is seeking $850 billion to $1 trillion in stimulus measures for the economy. As part of this proposal, the President has suggested sending stimulus checks to individual Americans. One proposal suggested two rounds of direct payments to taxpayers: one check on April 6 and a second check on May 18. […]
Did America Have A Christian Founding? Interview with Mark David Hall

Jesse Sumpter: Thank you for doing this interview, Mark. Your book Did America Have A Christian Founding is a wonderful resource for those interested in knowing more about America’s Christian founding. Some people would disagree with your thesis. Why do some people question America’s Christian founding? Mark David Hall: Thanks for taking the time to […]
Trump and Sanders Vs. the Elites

By Jesse Sumpter On Tuesday, the Washington Post released an opinion piece titled, “It’s time to give the elites a bigger say in choosing the president.” There was an uproar on Twitter and the Post changed the title to “It’s time to switch to preference primaries.” The piece makes the case for preference voting at […]
Opting Out: Farage, Freedom, and Cheerful Defiance

By Rhett Burns At 11:00 p.m. local time January 31, Great Britain left the European Union. A few days prior, Nigel Farage, leader of the Brexit Party and member of the European Parliament, gave a short, but glorious farewell speech ahead of the parliament’s Brexit withdrawal agreement vote. I am not British and have no […]
Review 2019: Top 10 Blogazine Articles

Here are the ten most popular articles from the CrossPolitic Blogazine in 2019. These articles garnered a lot of attention this year and they highlight key aspects of the work at CrossPolitic. Enjoy the review of 2019! 10. The Future is Familial. This article traces the cultural trends toward being unmarried and how the family […]

Since December 9, 2018, our church’s senior pastor Wang Yi has been imprisoned on charges of “inciting to subvert state power” and “illegal business operations.” On December 26, 2019, he was secretly tried at the Chengdu Intermediate People’s Court. On December 30, the court announced that Pastor Wang Yi was sentenced to 9 years in […]
Do Not Leave Your Friends in Battle: Chick-Fil-A and the Culture Wars

By Rhett Burns Chick-Fil-A announced this week it is restructuring the company’s charitable giving. Instead of donating to more than 300 organizations, the company will give to three partners focusing on three specific issues: education, homelessness, and hunger. Among those organizations no longer receiving funds from Chick-Fil-A is the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of […]
The Tribalism of the NeverTrump Evangelical Elite, Pt. 2

By Stephen Wolfe This is the second of a two part series. The first part is found here. Trust Paul Miller’s presentation of civic trust in his ERLC report is useful for exposing the tribalism of the evangelical elite. The report bizarrely prescribes distrust in order to remedy distrust—committing a sort of performative contradiction. At […]
The Tribalism of the NeverTrump Evangelical Elite, Pt. 1

By Stephen Wolfe When Donald Trump won the election in 2016, many evangelicals pondered the fate of their NeverTrump evangelical leaders. After months of pleading with and morally denouncing evangelical support for Trump—often in the opinion pages of national newspapers—their fellow evangelicals voted overwhelmingly for Trump. In the end, these “influencers” had little influence; these […]