True Believers, Marketers, and Evangelists

When I was a child, our church would gather late every summer with dozens of area churches for a large tent revival on the campus of the local Baptist college. In the sweltering August heat, we’d sing southern gospel hymns, listen to hellfire and brimstone preaching, and laugh at the corny puppet show put on […]
The Tribalism of the NeverTrump Evangelical Elite, Pt. 2

By Stephen Wolfe This is the second of a two part series. The first part is found here. Trust Paul Miller’s presentation of civic trust in his ERLC report is useful for exposing the tribalism of the evangelical elite. The report bizarrely prescribes distrust in order to remedy distrust—committing a sort of performative contradiction. At […]

Original post is here. IntroductionSo amid all the other circus events, this last weekend, Christian Twitter erupted with shrieks of horror when Pastor John MacArthur told a conference audience that his thoughts on Beth Moore could be best summarized as “Go home.” In response, the current SBC President JD Greear assured Mrs. Moore that she […]
Why Origin Stories Matter

By Jesse Sumpter Everyone loves a good origin story. That is why we have so many movies about the origin of a particular character or hero. In many ways, almost all stories are origin stories: these stories explain who the character is and how he got to be the person that he is. We like […]
The Endgame of Postmodernism

By Ben Zornes The Failed Plot of Subversivism Quote, “We like to be subversive,” unquote. The Russo Brothers stated this in an interview about their blockbuster mega-movie Avengers: Endgame. This they did. The reason they like being subversive is because they are ordained ministers of Postmodernism. The story they tell springs from the fallow soil […]
How Toxic Social Media Affects Young Adults

By Emma Perley Social media affects everyone, either directly, like through your smartphone or computer, or indirectly, like how live news affects a nation. In America, it is available to everybody. If you don’t have a smartphone, you probably own a computer or satellite TV. Worst case, you can walk over to the library and […]
Can the Church Replace the Natural Family?

A few weeks ago, I wrote the following in this space: We should also stop conflating the church and the natural family as if the former may be substituted for the latter. While there is some overlap, and family works as a metaphor to describe the church, these are two separate spheres that God has […]
The Evangelical Reconcilers: How Evangelicalism Reconciles Itself with Modern Liberalism

Guest Post By Stephen Wolfe Evangelical Christianity is incompatible with the prevailing ideology of Western society—modern liberalism. This is why evangelicals are increasingly pushed to the margins of public legitimacy and respectability. This marginalization however is principally and firstly not from physical coercion. Evangelicals are not rounded up by official authorities and sent to the […]
The Future is Familial

By Rhett Burns The Atlantic recently published an essay chronicling the childless American city, noting that New York City has shrunk for the first time in four decades in a non-recession year. The cost of living, particularly housing, has priced families out of the city. In their absence, American cities have become “entertainment machines” for […]
Machen and Lessons for Today’s Liberalism

By Jesse Sumpter In the midst of the theological and cultural battles in our time–Revoice, Woke theology, Feminism–a wonderful resource to draw from is J. Gresham Machen (born July 28, 1881). His battle with Liberalism a hundred years ago offers important lessons for those who are fighting today’s Liberalism. Here are three key lessons to […]
Singing is Slaying

By Rhett Burns Several weeks ago, I wrote here that feasting is fighting. But bread and wine and forks are not our only weapons as we aim to take the planet for King Jesus. We also have organs, guitars, drums, pianos, cellos, and those two ligaments in the larynx responsible for producing the human voice. […]
Juggernaut Fury – A Poem

Their juggernaut fury bore then, breakneck, on. Iliad, bk 16, ln 702 A horde of chub, toddling out of time, marching in and out of unbalanced lines. Terror of little lives just recently begun. Anyone with a sense of time sees in these wobbling ankles a rising sun. All Chronos’ alms, gathered in grinding […]
Motherhood in the Mission of God

By Rhett Burns At the most recent annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention (my denomination), president J.D. Greear hosted a panel discussion entitled, Indispensable Partners: The Value of Women in God’s Mission. The discussion was standard narrow complementarian fare, neither very helpful nor harmful. It would have been unremarkable if not for one glaring […]
Jitters About Triggers

By Ben Zornes Politico once published an article––feverish with worry––that the clashes between white supremacists and antifa might soon escalate into a full-fledged wild west gun duel in our streets. The article gesticulates wildly at the militia-like appearance of some of the protesters––open-carrying their AR-15s––as evidence of the fact that if tensions rise, someone might […]
Our Inner Marxist Hates the 10th Commandment

By Ben Zornes We are all born with an inner Marxist. This is as much to say, we are born in sin. We are born with a depraved desire to have what isn’t ours, and be discontented with and ungrateful for what is ours. Marxism pits the “have-nots” against the “haves”. It is unfair that […]
Feasting is Fighting

In the war for the world, that ancient, yet active campaign to extend the rule of King Jesus to the four corners of the globe so that the glory of the Lord covers the earth as the waters cover the seas, food is not neutral. Nor is it utilitarian, a simple means of physical sustenance […]
It Is So Passe To Come Out As A Gay Pastor, Unless You Are In The PCA

By Gabriel Rench I grew up in the PCA. I spent about 19 years of my life in that denomination. I was a member at a PCA church in Texas, New Mexico, and Oregon. I am grateful for my time in the PCA, and my faith is forever indebted to the PCA. Not only was […]
Why Rape and Incest are Not Moral Reasons for an Abortion

By Jesse Sumpter Last week the state of Alabama passed a law making it a felony offense to perform an abortion and this law does not allow any exceptions for rape and incest. Alabama did the right thing here. I wrote last week that this law is an opportunity for Pro-lifers to stand up and […]
The Alabama Opportunity

By Jesse Sumpter The abortion conversation has changed. It has changed in a decisive way. And the defenders of life must press the advantage. On Wednesday of this week, the state of Alabama passed a law making it a felony offense to perform an abortion. This is a strategic milestone in overturning the tyranny of […]
Justice Redefined: How Social Justice Undermines the Gospel

Guest Post By Levi J. Secord The Q&A at this year’s Shepherds’ Conference revealed how deep the divide is within evangelicalism over social justice. In debates like this, defining terms is vital. Many evangelicals fail to realize there are two competing views of justice. A new definition of justice has crept into evangelicalism laying the […]