Are You a Christian Nationalist?

By Rhett Burns Are you a Christian Nationalist? This seems to be the talk soup of the day on Twitter, thanks to threads like this, so let’s weigh in on how to answer. There are some questions that require nuanced and careful answers. For example, asking Are you a missionary? to a Western Christian living […]
Rittenhouse, the Right, and Our Evangelistic Opportunity

By Rhett Burns I now rise to offer three cheers and a toast to King Kyle of Kenosha. May you live free and full of years, and may your tribe of bold men, full of courage and action, increase! May your slanderers pay through the nose and your accusers become a stench to their own […]
A Ladder, a Bible, and a Preacher: Fighting to End Abortion in South Carolina

By Rhett Burns I went to minister at our local abortion clinic for the first time like a safe and respectable Christian: I showed up to pray outside the entrance as part of the 40 Days for Life campaign last fall. One of the ladies serving at the gate kindly explained their ministry. They prayed, […]
Being Tossed To and Fro By Critical Race Theory

By Levi Secord Preface In October, a group of concerned pastors and I met with our denomination’s leadership, the North American Baptist Conference (NAB). We brought our concerns about how the leadership, and its new Racial Righteousness ministry, were promoting the tenets of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and leading one-sided discussions rooted in unbiblical thinking. […]
Christian Defense of Nationalism

Guest Article by Darrell Dow The last decade has seen the global emergence of nationalism and populism. From Japan to the Indian subcontinent, from the Middle East to Europe and the Americas, the global political divide is increasingly defined by the chasm separating corporate global elites from a rising tide of nationalism expressed via populist […]
Book Review: Strong and Courageous

By Rhett Burns Strong and Courageous: Following Jesus Amid the Rise of America’s New Religion by Tom Ascol and Jared Longshore (Founders Press, January 15, 2021) The United States of America is witnessing the ascent of a new religion, characterized by the twin goddesses of individual autonomy and universal equality, and fueled by the spirit […]
Fire in the Chest: The Imminent Sexual Reckoning

By Rhett Burns Your house is on fire, but you don’t realize it yet. It’s an electrical fire, tearing through the walls, ready to engulf everything you have. You’re scrolling through Netflix, unaware of the havoc to come in fifteen minutes. This is the situation of evangelical churches in America. Decades of downgrade in the […]
Cynical Theories: A Christian Review

By Levi Secord In Cynical Theories, Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay issue a stinging rebuke of critical theory, and its various twisted children, by exposing its reliance on postmodernism. This book is aptly named, as these theories are cynical in the worst ways. These theories spread like the most malignant cancer—leaving desolation wherever they go. […]
The America to Come

By Rhett Burns Is it accurate to say that American society has been careening toward a cliff for some time now, and the events of 2020—coronavirus, presidential election, and the social justice riots—have sped it along to the edge? That’s the question I posed to a historian, a futurist, and a pastor at the recent […]
In Diversity We Trust?

By Levi Secord Recently, I saw a man with “In diversity we trust” emblazoned on his shirt. Replacing “In God we trust” with this mantra offers insight into how some people view diversity. With the rise of critical race theory and social justice, both inside and outside of the church, many prescribe an increase in […]
Donald Trump, Fat Tony, and Elite Evangelical Discourse

By Rhett Burns Donald Trump is an exclamation point, a bolded font, an underscore, an orange highlighter, drawing attention to the fecklessness of conservative leaders. This man—serial adulterer, womanizer, uncouth, proud, foul-mouthed, and greedy—is the man ending wars, speaking at the March for Life, de-regulating businesses, and standing up to the Left. Is there anything […]
Singing and the Sons of God: On the Recovery of Maximalism

Congregational singing is in the crosshairs of Covid-19 as public health recommendations and orders from civil magistrates in some areas of the country seek to restrict the liturgy. Some churches have pulled the trigger and put singing to rest, at least for a time. Others have refused to comply. Leaving aside the question of the […]
Proud to be an American? A Christian Reflection on being American

By Levi Secord In the fallout of the George Floyd fiasco, much has been said about what is wrong with America, both her past and present. As a Christian, my current understanding of America is complex. Of course, my primary citizenship is in Christ’s coming kingdom. Nonetheless, God has ordained that I be born and […]
The Courage to Stand

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.22″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.25″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding=”|||” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.27.4″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”]By Rhett Burns Standing Tall In early June, many lauded Peter Hitchens as a portrait of courage after being photographed as the only man standing in a kneeling crowd of protesters demanding the removal of the statue of Cecil Rhodes from […]
Author Interview: It’s Good to be a Boy!

CrossPolitic: Thank you for doing this interview, Joseph. Your book It’s Good to be a Boy! recently came out. Why did you write this book? Joseph Spurgeon: Almost five years ago, my first son was born. My wife and I had been blessed with two daughters before that. I wanted to come up with a […]
Rebellion to Tyrants: The Principles behind the Just War for Independence

By Jesse Sumpter In celebrating Independence Day, it is important to take time and set forth the political and historical principles behind the American Revolution. We often hear about the issue of taxes in the American colonies but we frequently don’t understand why that was an issue. Some might think the taxes were too high. […]

By Rhett Burns This year has been a doozy. Australia caught fire for weeks. United States forces killed Iran’s top general, Qasem Soleimani, stoking tensions with the Islamic regime. A global pandemic hit, causing both a health and economic crisis as the world shut down for several months. Experts and politicians paused that pandemic to […]
Will someone love Aimee Byrd?

By Joseph Spurgeon Titus 1:10-11 For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach for the sake of sordid gain. Let me begin by getting straight to the point of this article. Aimee […]
A Response to Matt Chandler

By Levi Secord I like Matt Chandler. I’ve benefited from both his books and preaching. On many central and secondary doctrines, we are closely aligned. In this way, I view him more as an ally than a theological boogeyman. But, I’ve noticed his normal clear thinking is lacking when it comes to issues of race […]
Beating Off the Wolves

By Levi Secord There is a reckoning coming for the American church, and it’s not what most people think. In the aftermath of the unjust killing of George Floyd, I’ve witnessed Christians and fellow pastors flock to cultural Marxism, critical race theory, and intersectionality to confess their sins and seek cultural salvation. I know many […]