Women’s March

Cartoon by Justin Hatcher
HTBT Business Plan Contest Official Rules

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section” _builder_version=”3.22″][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” _builder_version=”3.25″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding=”|||” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” _builder_version=”3.27.4″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”]Details No purchase necessary. Contest runs from 1/3/2019 – 3/31/2019. All entries must be submitted to matt@howtobuildatent.com no later than 3/31/2019 via an attachment or link to a cloud service platform. NO paid professional assistance is allowed. You […]
Top 10 Blogazine Articles in 2018

Here are the ten most popular articles from the CrossPolitic Blogazine in 2018. These articles garnered a lot of attention this year and they highlight key aspects of the work at CrossPolitic, especially illustrating the vision for the blogazine. This is also a great way to review the past year. Here’s the countdown: Jason Farley […]
When the State Came for My Niece

Note from Managing Editor: Given the sensitive nature of this material, the author of this piece asked to remain anonymous. The author hopes this story will be helpful to many people. This past year my 15-year-old niece decided she was a boy. For the last two years, kids at school have bullied her, thrown rocks […]
Social Justice, Biblical Justice, and Our Discipleship Problem

By Gabriel Rench Justice Needs the Bible There has been a lot of chatter back and forth the last couple years around social justice and the church: definitions are vague, people are talking past each other, and both sides have not really pursued productive conversations. One thing is for sure, the discussion has largely focused […]
The Westminster Confession of Funk: The Fulness of Times: A Poem

This poem, ‘The Fulness of Times,’ comes from my 2nd collection Twenty Wild Decembers: Poems on Time. If you are looking for more from the Westminster Confession of Funk, check out my blog hosted by Cross Politic. Check out my books at amazon.com/author/jason_farley. And visit Jovial Press for more. And if you go onto facebook and […]
Trump and the Foxes in 2018

Cartoon by Justin Hatcher
The Gods are Falling before Him

Guest Post by Joost Nixon Last year on a rainy day near Kathmandu, a Nepali friend and I were on an evening errand for milk. We were tight-rope walking on top of walls because the rain had transformed the dirt roads into goo. Our route took us near a rare unplowed field and an adjacent […]
The Westminster Confession of Funk: Sonnet 130, Love, and Bad Breath

If you are looking for more from the Westminster Confession of Funk, check out my blog hosted by Cross Politic. Check out my books at amazon.com/author/jason_farley. And visit Jovial Press for more. And if you go onto facebook and join the CrossPolitic Family Party Facebook Page and write on the wall that you would like to be entered into […]
Choosing to Not Choose is Still Choosing

We knew it would only be a matter of time before this sort of thing becomes more common. A couple of women who identify as men have a child, which they have decided to not assign a gender to, and thus allow their child the freedom to “discover” itself. You can watch the interview here: […]
Forward Toward the Philistines

Guest Post by Jared Longshore Secularism is all in a tizzy. She is hot and pouty. She’s fired up and making her demands. She’s defying the armies of the living God, and she’s soft as cotton… which is not a good combo. God’s people have struggled at times with going forward at God’s command. He […]
69 year old, Christians, and Pedophilia

By Jesse Sumpter You can’t make this stuff up. A 69 year old Dutch man, named Emile Ratelband, has decided he wants to identify as a 40 year old. He has even asked a court in his hometown to make it legal and change his birth certificate to say he was born on March 11, […]
The Antifragile Pastor

Guest Post By C.R. Wiley, First Posted November 15, 2018 A lot of ink has been spilled on the subject of fragility, particularly when it comes to young people—you know, safe-spaces, and coloring books on college campuses, and all of that. And while I could add my voice to the chorus, I think fragility is […]
Styles of Humor in Paul and Jesus

“The conclusion of the matter is that Paul, like so many other biblical writers, uses hard, satiric language. He differs from the Lord Jesus in that the Lord’s jibes were frequently very ‘laugh out loud’ funny.” –[amazon_textlink asin=’1591280109′ text=’A Serrated Edge’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’crosspolitic’ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’3daf9261-dc79-11e8-a6c7-2d61307b180f’], Douglas Wilson
Idaho Conservative Voting Guide Nov. 2018

Managing Editor: This voter guide was created by Daniel Foucachon. Here is his website. CrossPolitic’s interview with Bill Goesling can be found here. They also discuss Proposition 1 and Proposition 2. Preface Our opinion is that principles should come before party. But because the principles we hold dear tend to be the Judeo-Christian, constitutional, pro-family, […]
The Scars of God’s Hands

My soul clung to the dust, now dust clings to my soul. Your life-breath, once blown up the nose of my father, once exhaled in fruit-statutes, once blown across the dry bones until they could get up and dance; breathe life on me. Speak again the six stanzas that climb up to rest. Speak them […]
God, Kavanaugh, and the Twitter Storm

By Jesse Sumpter A lot of people turned off Twitter and Facebook when the Kavanaugh hearings were going last Thursday. It was just too much for them to handle. People on social media were threatening each other. Death threats were tossed around like emojis. I’m sure many people are still hiding in the bushes somewhere […]
Old Man at the Blueberry Bushes

Blueberry bushes brush bungling hands. Hands heavy with age —quivering unhelpfully— gather taste gushing gems of tang. No rot. No root-break. The ripped branches are simply savaged off by shaking old hands. Hands tired of being bound- back for decades. Held mute by manners monastic and proper. Held still by habit and a fury hell […]
Black Panther and the Savior of the Nations

By Jesse Sumpter Black Panther engages with some important philosophical questions—some of the best since The Dark Knight trilogy. But the movie fails to give anything close to an interesting answer. The ending scene in Oakland fails to offer anything substantial because it fails to grapple with the true nature of humanity: why are people […]
A New Samson

by Justin Hatcher