The Evangelical Reconcilers: How Evangelicalism Reconciles Itself with Modern Liberalism

Guest Post By Stephen Wolfe Evangelical Christianity is incompatible with the prevailing ideology of Western society—modern liberalism. This is why evangelicals are increasingly pushed to the margins of public legitimacy and respectability. This marginalization however is principally and firstly not from physical coercion. Evangelicals are not rounded up by official authorities and sent to the […]
The Future is Familial

By Rhett Burns The Atlantic recently published an essay chronicling the childless American city, noting that New York City has shrunk for the first time in four decades in a non-recession year. The cost of living, particularly housing, has priced families out of the city. In their absence, American cities have become “entertainment machines” for […]
Jitters About Triggers

By Ben Zornes Politico once published an article––feverish with worry––that the clashes between white supremacists and antifa might soon escalate into a full-fledged wild west gun duel in our streets. The article gesticulates wildly at the militia-like appearance of some of the protesters––open-carrying their AR-15s––as evidence of the fact that if tensions rise, someone might […]
Our Inner Marxist Hates the 10th Commandment

By Ben Zornes We are all born with an inner Marxist. This is as much to say, we are born in sin. We are born with a depraved desire to have what isn’t ours, and be discontented with and ungrateful for what is ours. Marxism pits the “have-nots” against the “haves”. It is unfair that […]
Why Rape and Incest are Not Moral Reasons for an Abortion

By Jesse Sumpter Last week the state of Alabama passed a law making it a felony offense to perform an abortion and this law does not allow any exceptions for rape and incest. Alabama did the right thing here. I wrote last week that this law is an opportunity for Pro-lifers to stand up and […]
The Alabama Opportunity

By Jesse Sumpter The abortion conversation has changed. It has changed in a decisive way. And the defenders of life must press the advantage. On Wednesday of this week, the state of Alabama passed a law making it a felony offense to perform an abortion. This is a strategic milestone in overturning the tyranny of […]
Fighting for life

Op/Ed by Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin At least now we have clarity on the issue. Now that the hard left has dropped the pretense of “safe, legal and rare” or “a collection of cells is not a fetus,” we can better see beneath their masks. With the passage of a barbaric new law in New […]
Dred Scott, Abortion, and American Legal History

By Jesse Sumpter Today is the anniversary of the infamous Supreme Court case, Dred Scott v. Sanford, which was decided on March 6, 1857, ruling that a black man had no rights under the US Constitution. The majority ruling in this decision was overwhelming: 7-2. Chief Justice Roger B. Taney who wrote the majority ruling […]
A Brief Primer on God’s Ordained Spheres of Authority

By Toby Sumpter Introduction We live in a world obsessed with power and power disparities. On the one hand, the modern world professes not to trust power – e.g. power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely – and of course there is no shortage of examples of power misused, authority abused. But the current modern egalitarian […]
Over 8.2 Million Severed

Over 8.2 Million Severed by Justin Hatcher
Top 10 Blogazine Articles in 2018

Here are the ten most popular articles from the CrossPolitic Blogazine in 2018. These articles garnered a lot of attention this year and they highlight key aspects of the work at CrossPolitic, especially illustrating the vision for the blogazine. This is also a great way to review the past year. Here’s the countdown: Jason Farley […]
Social Justice, Biblical Justice, and Our Discipleship Problem

By Gabriel Rench Justice Needs the Bible There has been a lot of chatter back and forth the last couple years around social justice and the church: definitions are vague, people are talking past each other, and both sides have not really pursued productive conversations. One thing is for sure, the discussion has largely focused […]
Trump and the Foxes in 2018

Cartoon by Justin Hatcher
God, Kavanaugh, and the Twitter Storm

By Jesse Sumpter A lot of people turned off Twitter and Facebook when the Kavanaugh hearings were going last Thursday. It was just too much for them to handle. People on social media were threatening each other. Death threats were tossed around like emojis. I’m sure many people are still hiding in the bushes somewhere […]
What Happens if Roe Vs. Wade is Overturned?

Here is my concern about the overturning of Roe vs. Wade: what happens when the law comes? Sin revives and we die. To undo Roe is to choose the death of America. That makes sense if you believe in resurrection. But we can only pray for the end of Roe if we trust that God raises the dead.
Cake Bakers, Crossfit, and The French Revolution

I was recently sitting in on a lecture from a local university professor on the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution. Whitworth University’s Dr. Van Inwegen explained that there are stories from history, “that help us understand the world we are in.” One of his stories did just that. During the French Revolution, after […]
Nouveau Pelagianism

In his Confessions, Augustine (354-430) describes mankind’s universal sinful bent as “concupiscence.” The Greek word epithumia (ἐπιθυμία) occurs 38 times in the New Testament. It describes the utter enfeebling of mankind’s freedom of will through the bondage of sin. It is the fallen nature’s inclination to wickedness, desire for immorality, and passion for iniquity, that […]
Islam, End Times, and the Imago Dei

Last week was crazy. The United States moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Hamas greeted the move in their usual manner, which means with bombs and human shields. Major media outlets portrayed Hamas in their usual manner, which means referring to them as “protestors,” ignoring the bombs and the children sent into a […]
Just or Unjust: Reviewing the Syrian Missile Strike

Last week, I posted my article on just war and the ascendance of foreign policy hawks in the White House on the same morning President Trump tweeted this: Two days later, President Trump, along with his British and French counterparts, ordered a limited missile strike against the Assad regime in response to its alleged use […]
Hawks Ascend in White House: Just War or *Just* War?

Three weeks ago, I wrote a response to Michael Gerson’s essay in The Atlantic about evangelical support of President Trump. I found it hypocritical that Gerson, a senior policy advisor to President Bush and a member of The White House Iraq Group, was lecturing evangelicals about Trump’s rhetoric when his own administration’s war caused such […]