The Alabama Opportunity

By Jesse Sumpter The abortion conversation has changed. It has changed in a decisive way. And the defenders of life must press the advantage. On Wednesday of this week, the state of Alabama passed a law making it a felony offense to perform an abortion. This is a strategic milestone in overturning the tyranny of […]
The Moment Death Begins

By Matt Williams Most of my listeners have heard that my wife and I have just gone through a miscarriage. It is painful, surreal, sobering, and most of all hopeful. That last descriptor may come as a shock to those who don’t know Christ. For those who do, we know our hope is in Him, […]
CrossPolitic News Articles from April 28

News Articles from CrossPolitic April 28 Show Facebook is expecting a large fine from the FTC after an ongoing scandal in which Facebook has been sharing private data from its users for over a year. The fine will be somewhere between $3 and $5 billion dollars. The Supreme Court has accepted three […]
Fight Laugh Feast Network Shows April 21-April 27

HtBt: My Child Has a Name, Ep. 169 A tribute to our second child. AD: Why Fight, Laugh, Feast? Big facts: the Fight, Laugh, Feast network tells the whole story without the sugar-coating. Don’t let the gospel coalition, CNN, The Washington Post, set the agenda. The meat of scripture is found in […]
CrossPolitic News Articles from April 21

News Articles from CrossPolitic April 21 Show A female student, who perceived imminent threat, kneed a boy in the groin in the girl’s school bathroom. The school has expelled her on the grounds that violence is not a means for self defense on school property. 20 girls staged a walk-out from Abraham […]
Fight Laugh Feast Network Shows April 15-April 20

HtBt: Good News About the Economy, Ep. 164 Business Podcast: We discuss the report that came out yesterday about the USMCA. Q1 looks a lot better than expected, and interest rates came down from consumer confidence. We finally discuss two IPOs that came out yesterday. AD: When Paul Got Woke? This video […]
Justice Redefined: How Social Justice Undermines the Gospel

Guest Post By Levi J. Secord The Q&A at this year’s Shepherds’ Conference revealed how deep the divide is within evangelicalism over social justice. In debates like this, defining terms is vital. Many evangelicals fail to realize there are two competing views of justice. A new definition of justice has crept into evangelicalism laying the […]
Fighting for life

Op/Ed by Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin At least now we have clarity on the issue. Now that the hard left has dropped the pretense of “safe, legal and rare” or “a collection of cells is not a fetus,” we can better see beneath their masks. With the passage of a barbaric new law in New […]
Jung, Occultism, and Weird Science

By George Grant Watkins’ Bookshop in Cecil Court, just off Charing Cross between Leicester Square and Covent Garden in London, was established in 1891 by John Watkins, and is still London’s premier occult bookstore. One of its most famous customers was Carl Gustav Jung, who would together with Sigmund Freud, pioneer the field of psychology […]
Interview with Author K.M. Weiland – Character Arcs

K.M. Weiland, author of historical and speculative fiction as well as books on the craft of writing, joins us from western Nebraska. Thanks so much for joining us at The Westminster Confession of Funk. It is a real pleasure to be able to ask you a few questions about your work on Creating Character Arcs. […]
Dred Scott, Abortion, and American Legal History

By Jesse Sumpter Today is the anniversary of the infamous Supreme Court case, Dred Scott v. Sanford, which was decided on March 6, 1857, ruling that a black man had no rights under the US Constitution. The majority ruling in this decision was overwhelming: 7-2. Chief Justice Roger B. Taney who wrote the majority ruling […]
The Church is Plan A

By George Grant The Church is Plan A. And there is no Plan B. The Church is the means by which the Lord has purposed to demonstrate His grace, His mercy, and His providential rule in the world. The orthodox Christian faith cannot be reduced to personal experiences, academic discussions, dogmatic formulations, philosophical revelations, or […]
Cherry Bud Haiku

For those looking for the text of the Haiku by Seifu-Jo that I quoted on this week’s podcast, here you go. This baby…even when we show him cherry buds… opens eager lips You can find it in the 3rd volume of the Peter Pauper Press collection of Japanese Haiku entitled, Cherry-Blossom.
Reformational Abolition or Cautions for the Abolitionists

By Toby Sumpter I have a great deal of respect for the men and women on the front lines of the abortion ministry. My respect goes back to one of my earliest memories: when I was a little kid, I remember my pastor announcing to our church that he was flying to Atlanta to participate […]
In Spite of Germs – Don Marquis

IN SPITE OF GERMS by Don Marquis Disease, says a prominent scientist, is often transmitted by kissing. — News item The scientist Will still insist There’s danger in romances. And yet the stupid Mister Cupid Keeps on taking chances. Though they affirm A deadly germ Lurks in the sweetest kisses, Let’s hope the day Is far […]
A Brief Primer on God’s Ordained Spheres of Authority

By Toby Sumpter Introduction We live in a world obsessed with power and power disparities. On the one hand, the modern world professes not to trust power – e.g. power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely – and of course there is no shortage of examples of power misused, authority abused. But the current modern egalitarian […]
New York, Be Not Proud

New York, Be Not Proud by Jesse Sumpter “The #ReproductiveHealthAct is now law in New York State. We lit the spire pink to celebrate.” –Gov. Cuomo, Jan 22, 2019 New York, be not proud, though some have called you Mighty and dreadful, for you are thwarted: For those whom you tried to have aborted Die […]
Over 8.2 Million Severed

Over 8.2 Million Severed by Justin Hatcher
Hitler’s Dream: Roe v. Wade

Cartoon by Justin Hatcher
Endurance: From Beginning to End

By George Grant The race really does go to the tortoise and not the hare. It is perseverance that ultimately will win the prize, not knowledge, not talent, and not connections. It is that undying tenacity that sets itself on the end, that finishes the race, that completes the task, and that fulfils the responsibility. […]